Professional and Academic Outings

Professional outings

The profession of Aeronautical Engineer is one of the most prestigious in Spain, having wide recognition beyond our borders;
Their professional powers and academic competencies have been indicated in the first two sections. His employability is also one of the highest, in all its modalities, from R + D + i to the free exercise of the profession; From the Official College and Association of Aeronautical Engineers of Spain, special emphasis is placed on the maintenance in our country of all facets of the profession, which have made Spain one of the few nations where all the stages of the engineering cycle are still developed. life. You can find updated information at  Andalucia Aeroespace .

Academic Outings

The Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering gives access to various Doctorate programs, including those in Automatic, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization , taught at ETSi itself .