Teaching planning

The Master  is configured as a degree of 120 ECTS, which includes 16 compulsory subjects and 6 optional subjects, programmed in two academic years as follows:

Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering 01 | Etsi

In the first semester of the first course, the student must take one of the two subjects: “Air transport complements” or “Calculation of aircraft and aircraft systems”, depending on the intensification followed in the access degree. Students of the Aerospace Vehicles intensification have to take the subject “Air Transport Complements” and students of any of the Air Navigation or Airports and Air Transport intensifications have to take the subject “Calculation of aircraft and aircraft systems”.

In order to guarantee a common and homogeneous training profile of the graduates of this master's curriculum, it may be necessary to direct the enrollment of graduates in Aerospace Engineering from other universities other than the University of Seville, or other students who are in possession of other degree titles that qualify for the exercise of the profession of Aeronautical Technical Engineer, with regard to part or all of the optional subjects to be taken.

Thus, for these students, itineraries will be established within the general elective, depending on the subjects taken in the degree of origin, always comparing the academic record of the student from the various degrees with access to the master's degree with the comprehensive training and training objectives of the group formed by the reference degree and the Master's Degree in Aerospace Engineering. These leveling training complements, which will be counted as part of the 30 optional credits, will be set, where appropriate, as a subset of the following subjects:

Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering - Leveling | Etsi

  • Numerical methods
  • Automatic Control Complements
  • Electrotechnical Accessories
  • Structure Complements
  • Aeronautical Structures Complements
  • Propulsion Accessories
  • Orbital Mechanics Complements
  • Rational Mechanics Complements
  • Manufacturing Technology Complements

The remaining credits intended for optional subjects, that is, those that do not have to be satisfied through leveling training supplements, will be applied by the student choosing the optional subjects they wish to take from among those offered, with the only restriction that they will not be able to enroll subjects whose contents have been covered with subjects from the Degree in Aerospace Engineering or access degree to the Master (this is to complement the training received). The list of optional subjects offered in each academic year will be a subset of the following:

Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering - Electives | Etsi

  • Complements of airport operations (except for students from “Air Navigation” and “Airports and Air Transport”)
  • Planning, Design and Construction of Airports (except for students from “Airports and Air Transport”)
  • Air Navigation and Air Traffic Management (except for students from “Air Navigation”)
  • Solid Mechanics Complements (except for students from “Aerospace Vehicles”)
  • Complements of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics (except for students from “Aerospace Vehicles”)
  • Aerospace Production
  • Unions in Aeronautical Structures
  • Non-Destructive Inspection in the Aerospace Industry
  • helicopters
  • Advanced Flight Control Techniques
  • Aerospace robotics
  • Aircraft Trajectory Optimization
  • Electrical Power Systems in Aircraft
  • Automation of aerospace production systems
  • Aircraft Control Systems
  • Advanced Mathematical Methods of Engineering
  • Cartography applied to drones
  • Electronic Components and Systems for Space
  • Aircraft control systems
  • Communication Techniques and Professional Skills
  • Professional practice of Engineering

In addition to the subjects on the list, company internships are offered as electives. They can be taken as subjects of 5, 10 or 15 ECTS credits. The student must ensure that they have been assigned a company before enrolling. To do this, you must contact the ETSi external relations service.

Likewise, the Academic Commission of the Master may establish additional training complements to the 120 credits included in the Master for those students who access while holding a degree that does not comply with the requirements of Ministerial Order CIN/308/2009. These additional training complements will correspond, in any case, to subjects of the Degree in Aerospace Engineering of the ETSi .