Teaching planning

The Master is configured as a degree of 120 ECTS (two academic years) with three specialties in the most relevant areas of Telecommunications Engineering. The three specialties are:

  • Internet of Things or Internet of Things (IoT) is completely changing society, affecting our way of living and working.
      The term IoT refers to the existence of everyday devices and objects connected to the Internet in order to collect and exchange information, and they have numerous industrial and social applications. In this module, an in-depth study of IoT technologies will be carried out, both from a hardware design point of view and from communications and the processing of the data obtained.

  • Distributed systems and cybersecurity o Distributed systems are increasingly established, especially due to the rise of cloud computing, which consists of the provision of resources on demand, from applications to data centers, through Internet and with a pay-as-you-go model.
      The advantages of this model are that the available resources are flexible, using them only when necessary, payment is usually per metered service, and the catalog of available resources is increasing. The diversity of cloud computing operators means that very current knowledge is necessary to determine the quality of the services offered by the different providers. On the other hand, the possibility that the data is not located in the company itself reinforces the need to study cybersecurity mechanisms, and apply command centers to control said element.

  • Biomedical Engineering or Biomedical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles and methods of engineering to solve problems in biology and medicine, and to improve methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. It is an area in continuous expansion with great demand for professionals capable of joining interdisciplinary teams to address new challenges in improving health technology. In this module, knowledge of electronics, telematics, communications and signal processing will be applied to the resolution of biomedical problems.

The temporal distribution of the study plan is as follows:


To obtain a specialty, you must take the 4 subjects of the chosen specialty and two other subjects of any of the other two specialties. It is possible, however, to freely choose 6 of the 12 subjects and not take any specialization.