
Master's degree in Telecommunications Engineering was launched , the only degree that qualifies the profession of Telecommunications Engineer. In the 2021/22 academic year, the current plan was implemented, which includes 3 specialties.

The study plan approved by the University is 120 ECTS (two academic years) and graduates in Telecommunications Technology Engineering at the ETSi will have direct and preferential access. Graduates of the Degree in Electronic, Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering (GIERM) and the Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering (GITI-US-2010) (Electronic or Automatic mention) will also be able to access, although they must complete additional training complements to the 120 credits of the plan. .

General Structure of the Master

Mandatory: 60 credits.
Electives: 45 credits.

Mandatory Practicum: 0 credits.
Internships in companies (Optional): 15 credits.

Master's final project: 15 credits.


Information Sheet of the Study Plan for Enrollment