Registration guide for the 2024/25 course

The 2024/25 academic year begins the process of extinction of the 2014 plan and the implementation of the 2024 plan.


Students who continue in the plan to be extinguished (MII-US plan 2010) must check whether the subjects they have pending in the 1st year have teaching or not. The following table shows the two possible situations. In any case, they will always have the right to take an exam during the 3 years following the termination of the subject in question.


2nd year subjects continue with teaching in the 2024/25 academic year.


At the time of enrollment (Auto-enrollment), the student will select the subject with the name of the MII-US plan 2014, that is, as they have always done (without changes).

CodeMII-US 2014 SubjectCourseFour-month periodSubject you can go to classTitleCourseFour-month period
51460010Expansion of Theory and Technology of Machines and Mechanisms1C1Machine TechnologyMII-US 20241C1
51460001Analysis and Design of Chemical Processes1C1Chemical technologyMII-US 20241C1
51460035Analysis and Design of Chemical Processes II1C1without teaching
51460036Analysis and Design of Chemical Processes III1C1without teaching
51460002Automation and Control of Production Systems1C1Automatic TechnologyMII-US 20241C2
51460037Automation and Control of Production Systems II1C1without teaching
51460003Rational Mechanics Complements1C1Rational Mechanics ComplementsMII-US 20241C1
51460006Electronic Design and Industrial Instrumentation1C1Electronic TechnologyMII-US 20241C1
51460038Electronic Design and Industrial Instrumentation II1C1without teaching
51460007Quality management1C1Quality managementMaster's Degree in Chemical Engineering1C1
51460014Structural engineering1C1Structural engineeringMII-US 20241C2
51460039Structural Engineering II1C1without teaching
51460040Structural Engineering III1C1The Finite Element MethodMaster's Degree in Advanced Design in Mechanical Engineering1C1
51460033Mathematics Applied to Engineering1C1Mathematics Applied to EngineeringMII-US 20241C1
51460008Numerical methods1C1Mathematics Applied to EngineeringMII-US 20241C1
51460046Theory and Technology of Machines and Mechanisms II1C1without teaching
51460011Manufacturing Technology Complements1C2Manufacturing technologyDegree in Aerospace Engineering2C2
51460004Electrical Technology Accessories1C2Low-voltage electrical installationsDegree in Telecommunications Engineering4C2
51460012Heat Transmission Complements1C2Heat TransmissionDegree in Chemical Engineering2C2
51460005Construction and Industrial Architecture1C2Industrial ConstructionsMII-US 20241C1
51460091Construction and Industrial Architecture II1C2Expansion of Construction and Industrial FacilitiesMII-US 20142C2
51460013Transportation Engineering1C2without teaching
51460015Hydraulic and Thermal Facilities and Machines1C2without teaching
51460041Hydraulic and Thermal Facilities and Machines II1C2without teaching
51460016Electric Power Systems1C2Electrical technologyMII-US 20241C1
51460042Electric Power Systems II1C2without teaching
51460009Integrated Manufacturing Systems1C2Integrated Manufacturing SystemsMII-US 20241C1
51460043Integrated Manufacturing Systems II1C2without teaching
51460017Energy Technology1C2Energy TechnologyMII-US 20241C1
51460044Energy Technology II1C2Thermal Machines and EnginesMII-US 20241C2
51460045Energy Technology III1C2Thermal Machines and EnginesMII-US 20241C2