Adaptation to the MII Plan 2024


Students of the 2014 plan of the Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering who wish to change to the 2024 plan must submit the application in person at the ETSi Secretariat or electronically through the Electronic Headquarters of the University of Seville , attaching the model (see below).

Deadline to request a change of plan (adaptation to the MII-US plan 2024) for the 2024/25 academic year:

  • from July 5 to August 14, 2024.
    New deadlines will be opened for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 courses.

Adaptation Request Form to the 2024 plan: download

Once the file is created in the 2024 plan, you will receive an email from the Secretariat announcing the registration period (predictably between September 2 and 6, 2024).

Students who adapt to the 2024 plan and wish to take the 3rd call for any of the subjects in which they had been enrolled in the 2023/24 course in the 2014 plan must complete an application and deliver it to the Secretary of the ETSi.

  • Term (provisional): September 9 to 20, 2024.

  • Application form : download .


In the following link you can find relevant information, including the subject adaptation table and recommendations for enrollment.

Information session October 2023: focused on the adaptation table to the 2024 plan.

May 2024 information session: should I switch to the 2024 plan? how is it done?


See MII-US 2014 termination schedule.