Access and admission

To access the official teachings of the Master it will be necessary to be in possession of an official Spanish university degree in accordance with what is defined in Royal Decree 1393/2007, of the academic degree of Bachelor, Engineer or Architect, granted by the Spanish state of in accordance with legislation prior to the aforementioned Royal Decree, or other qualifications issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area that authorize access to Master's degrees in the country issuing the degree.

Likewise, graduates may access graduates in accordance with educational systems outside the European Higher Education Area without the need for homologation of their degrees, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they entitle the country issuing the degree to access postgraduate education.

Extraordinarily, it may be accessed from other qualifications and degrees after a detailed analysis of the additional skills acquired after obtaining said qualifications or degrees, through additional training and/or through professional experience and, if deemed necessary by the Master's Academic Committee. , after a personal interview.

The entry and enrollment procedure is regulated by the Andalusian Single District Agreement.