Access and Academic Regulations


New entry places: 30.

Transfer places: 25 places for Spain and 5 places for abroad.

Title code: 4315692 

Recommended Profile:
The most appropriate profile for the assimilation of the skills and abilities is that of a Senior Engineer with basic knowledge of different aspects related to Mechanical Engineering: Classical Mechanics, Elasticity, Strength of Materials, Structural Calculation, Machine Mechanics, Dynamics, Algebra, Calculus and Differential Equations.

Extraordinarily, and after studying their curriculum, other graduates may be admitted. Admission will entail the acceptance by the student that the Academic Committee will supervise the terms of their enrollment so that coherence is maintained between the student's previous training, the subjects chosen within the Master's Degree and their study sequence. The approval of the Academic Commission to the menu of subjects chosen by each student for their registration will be an essential requirement to be able to formalize the registration. The Master's Academic Committee will appoint one or more advisors who will be in charge of carrying out this task. If the student disagrees with the counselors' recommendations, he or she may appeal to the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree and to the Director of the Center, with the latter making the final decision.

Access Requirement:
Requirements for access to University Master's Degrees and admission procedure

How to access:
All information about the pre-registration process, dates, etc.

Credit recognition:
Credit recognition and validation tables.


Credit recognition regulations:
Credit recognition and transfer regulations

Permanence rules:
Access the rules for student permanence at the University of Seville

Enrollment rules:
Access the enrollment rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies

Evaluation and Grading Standards:
Access the evaluation and grading regulations of the subjects