Access and Academic Regulations
New entry places: -
Title code: 820901
Recommended Profile:
People interested in taking any of the University Master's Degrees at the University of Seville, in general, must find themselves in one of the following situations:
- Be in possession of a Spanish Graduate degree, or the title of Architect, Engineer, Graduate, Technical Architect, Diploma, Technical Engineer or Master, or another expressly declared equivalent or approved to any of them.
- Be in possession of a foreign university degree issued by a higher education institution in the European Higher Education Area that entitles access to master's degrees in the country issuing the degree.
- Be in possession of a foreign university degree, equivalent to the level of Graduate in Spain, without the need for homologation, after verification by the University of Seville that they accredit a level of training equivalent to the corresponding official Spanish university degrees and that they authorize in their country of origin to pursue postgraduate studies.
However, you must also meet the requirements specifically required in the master's degree or master's degrees in which you wish to obtain a place. We recommend consulting the website of the Andalusian Unique District for information on the additional admission requirements and criteria for each Master's Degree, the deadlines to participate in the different Phases of the pre-registration process and other additional information available.
Access Requirement:
Requirements for access to University Master's Degrees and admission procedure
How to access:
All information about the pre-registration process, dates, etc.
Credit recognition:
Credit recognition and validation tables.
Credit recognition regulations:
Credit recognition and transfer regulations
Permanence rules:
Access the rules for student permanence at the University of Seville
Enrollment rules:
Access the enrollment rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies
Evaluation and Grading Standards:
Access the evaluation and grading regulations of the subjects