Access and Academic Regulations
New entry places: 7
Title code: 824505
Access: As access requirements, it will be required to comply with both the access requirements to the MIQ and those corresponding to the MIAMB, with the respective Academic Commissions retaining the powers over the assessment of candidates and establishment of training complements to which the verification reports refer. .
Recommended Profile: Regarding the Degree in Chemical Engineering of the University of Seville, it is the official university degree that has been used as a reference for the design of the study plan for the Master of Chemical Engineering.
Consequently, this is considered the reference degree for the Master's Degree and its graduates have access without training complements to the Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Seville. Notwithstanding the above, the specific conditions of access to this master's degree are described and included in the Resolution of June 8, 2009, of the General Secretariat of Universities, by which the Agreement of the Council of Universities is publicized, by which Recommendations are established for the proposal by universities of application reports for official degrees in the fields of Computer Engineering, Technical Computer Engineering and Chemical Engineering, and they are the following:
- Anyone who has previously acquired the skills set out in section 3 of the Ministerial Order establishing the requirements for the verification of official university degrees linked to the Master's Degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Chemical Engineer may access the Master's Degree linked to the exercise of the profession of Chemical Engineer. exercise of the profession of Industrial Technical Engineer, and their training must be in accordance with that established in section 5 of the aforementioned order, all referring to the Specific Technology module of Industrial Chemistry.
- Likewise, those who hold any other degree may access this Master's Degree, without prejudice to the establishment of the prior training complements deemed necessary in this case, to guarantee the skills included in the industrial chemistry block of the aforementioned Master's Degree. order.
The previous sections will be understood, without prejudice to the provisions of article 17.2 and the fourth additional provision of royal decree 1393/2007, of October 29.
And regarding the recommended Entry Profile for the Master of Environmental Engineering, the recommended access profile for the Master in Environmental Engineering is Graduate in Chemical Engineering or Higher Chemical Engineer. These graduates will not have to take additional training to complete the master's degree. Graduates in Engineering in Industrial Technologies, Agricultural Engineering (and similar), Civil Engineering (and similar), Energy Engineering (and similar), Mining Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Chemistry (or similar Engineer/Bachelor degrees) are considered also preferential access profiles although they will be required to pass additional training within the scope of the fundamentals of Chemical and/or Environmental Engineering (depending on the access title and the student profile).
Access Requirement:
Requirements for access to University Master's Degrees and admission procedure
How to access:
All information about the pre-registration process, dates, etc.
Credit recognition:
Credit recognition and validation tables.
Credit recognition regulations:
Credit recognition and transfer regulations
Permanence rules:
Access the rules for student permanence at the University of Seville
Enrollment rules:
Access the enrollment rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies
Evaluation and Grading Standards:
Access the evaluation and grading regulations of the subjects