The Sevillian team triumphs in the National Olympiad of Civil, Canal and Port Engineering held at the University of Burgos

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The IES Punta del Verde of Seville triumphs in the National Olympiad in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering held at the UBU

The Sevillians, who were already the winners of the local phase held last March at the ETSi, have obtained the best score of the 13 participating teams, one from a public university that offers the Master's degree in Civil, Canal and Engineering Engineering. Ports in Spain, which allows the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville to choose to organize the next edition of the National Phase of this Olympiad.

The team representing the Polytechnic School of the University of Burgos, the Colegio Sagrados Corazones, from Miranda de Ebro, has achieved a creditable second place, followed by the Colegio Plurilingüe Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, from Pontevedra.

In total there have been 65 students from 1st and 2nd year of ESO, accompanied by 20 teachers from their centers, who have come to Burgos as winners of their respective local phases. The heads of each School that teaches the Master also attended the Olympiad, which has made it possible to share experiences and good practices.

The six tests - 5 of the local phases and a surprise - that each team had to face have been distributed throughout the morning throughout the facilities of the Milanera campus of the Higher Polytechnic School.

The six tests that make up this Olympiad are related to 8 of the 17 SDGs defined in the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development by the UN approved in 2015.

Sofía Álvarez, representing the winning team, showed her satisfaction with the victory "it has been an incredible experience and we have been, with effort, lucky enough to win" she stated and, displaying a commendable sporting spirit, she assured that "even if we didn't "If we had achieved it, I would have left this university super happy and proud of my team." Sofía highlighted the level of the tests, “honestly, two or three have cost us a lot.”

Jesús Mínguez Algarra, coordinator of the Master of Civil Engineering, Canals and Ports, assured that the objective is that “girls and boys in secondary education know what our profession consists of and, in the future, are encouraged to study it.” Another of the organizers, Professor Hernán Gonzalo Orden, has highlighted the enthusiasm and commitment with which both teachers and students have come to Burgos and the impact that this type of activities can have "appointments like this can awaken the interest of children and girls and make them be the engineers that society requires.

The director of the EPS of the University of Burgos, Miguel Ángel Mariscal Saldaña, congratulated all the participants and highlighted the involvement of each participating center and university, not only to organize the respective local phases, but to come to Burgos from all corners from Spain. Finally, he emphasized the sponsorship of the Olympiad, through the Caminos Foundation, by the College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports, which thanked its representative, the dean of the Demarcation of Castilla y Léon, Jorge E Lucas Herranz, who presented the first prize.

The vice-rector of Students, Verónica Calderón, once again emphasized the thanks and focused on the love and seriousness with which the organizers have prepared this activity.

The College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports, and the fourteen Schools that teach the Master's degree in Civil, Canal and Port Engineering and that gives access to this profession in Spain, have come together to make the profession known among Secondary students and encourage their approach to the University.

Among the objectives of the Olympiad is to test the rapid response capacity and structural intuition of different groups of high school students working as a team. The tests have different degrees of difficulty, but they allow us to know the leadership roles of the participants, their attitude towards a problem, the ability to work as a team, adaptation to limited means and work tools, etc.