The ETSi supports the “Seville wants metro” initiative to promote the development of the complete metro network in Seville

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The director of the School, Mr. Francisco Rodríguez Rubio, met with the Sevilla Busca Metro Association , represented by its president, Mr. Manuel Alejandro Moreno Cano , a former student of the School and graduate in Industrial Engineering. Days later, the “constructive” and “non-partisan” proposal was unanimously approved by the School Board.

There are three reasons that justify this decision:

The School would extraordinarily improve the mobility of students and teachers if the complete metro network were built. It should be noted that more than 6,500 people go to school daily, generating serious parking problems due to the lack of an efficient mode of mass transportation. The School would directly benefit from the connection with other points of the city through line 4 - the circular line - that would connect La Cartuja-Macarena-Carretera de Carmona-Tamarguillo-Reina Mercedes-Remedios-Triana.

However, the most notable aspects that justify such support are the sustainability and social cohesion that the metro network would bring to Seville and its metropolitan area : “It is necessary to offer alternatives to the combustion car, especially now that they are going to be put into operation. “Low Emission Zones in the Cartuja Technology Park.” Furthermore, Mr. Rodríguez Rubio points out, “We engineers have the obligation to propose new technologies that allow us to reduce the carbon footprint and the environmental and health impact due to the emission of particles that are very harmful to health.”

It is interesting to note that the construction of the metro network would represent a job opportunity for many of our graduates. It is expected that, only with the construction of the northern section of line 3 (Pino Montano – Prado), around 2,000 jobs will be created. “In construction, not only road, canal and port engineers could work, but also many others, such as industrial engineers - for electrical installations and railway signaling - and telecommunications engineers - for fiber, mobile and Tetra networks, among others. others-“, points out Mr. Rodríguez Rubio.

The director of the School has signed the document of adhesion to the Manifesto for the Seville metro , to which numerous entities and institutions in our city and metropolitan area have already adhered, among which are the Professional Associations (Roads, Canals and Ports; Architecture; Law; Economics; Industrial of Western Andalusia, College of Physicians and College of Nursing), as well as relevant institutions such as GAESCO, CEACOP, ASICA, the Port Authority of Seville, the Port of Seville, the Pablo de Olavide University, the Loyola University. , the Ateneo, Ybarra, Eurotex Paintings, the CC Lagoh, the Council of Brotherhood Bands , which include Bands such as the Red Cross Band, or the AM Redención. “A total of 60 institutions” report sources from Sevilla Busca Metro .

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville encourages its students to follow the latest news from “Sevilla quiere Metro” on Twitter and Instagram, as well as to join in the registration form that can be found on the website to help engineers continue helping to build the Seville of the future.

The “Seville Wants Metro” is a completely apolitical and constructive entity that works with enthusiasm so that Seville and its metropolitan area have the Metro network that it urgently needs. This association is made up of nearly 5,800 people and has the sympathy and explicit support of an increasingly extensive social base.
