The ETSi supports the Seville Candidacy to be the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency

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Seville is going to present its candidacy to become the future headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency, thanks to the process of decentralization of State organizations that the Government of Spain is carrying out.

We Sevillians have until November 7 to support the candidacy of Seville as the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency

The city, together with its metropolitan area, has a series of strengths and advantages associated with its aeronautical industrial tradition, but also with the commitment that has been made in recent decades to the aeronautical sector and also to the space sector, both since both the public and private spheres. The result is an ecosystem where infrastructure and innovation spaces, knowledge and talent, the business fabric and people can play a determining role in making the location of the Space Agency in our city a success.

Benefits of the Spanish Space Agency for Seville

In addition to positioning Seville on the map of aerospace development and research at an international level with what this would mean as a direct and indirect economic impact, employment will be one of the main benefits that the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency would bring to Seville. The Agency will initially require approximately sixty employees, including civil servants, labor and senior management positions. However, at the time of approval of the Agency's statutes, the personnel that will be assigned to it may vary depending on the final requirements and functions that are established.

Among the Commission's criteria, social and territorial cohesion, the improvement in the functioning of public services, unemployment levels and the fight against depopulation will be considered in the election of the headquarters. Issues that if Seville updates its agenda would benefit the city as a whole and, specifically, the improvement of public transportation, air and high-speed trains.

For its part, the hotel plant would also benefit since the Commission values ​​the existence of a hotel environment, close to the headquarters, that allows accommodation for institutional and work visits. 

In general, companies with operational establishments in the town that carry out activity in the space sector will also benefit from the location in Seville of the Spanish Space Agency. Companies with a high capacity for innovation that develop lines of activity that could be incorporated into the processes and developments of a space program.

Likewise, the initiatives of the main public institutions of the town to promote the development of an ecosystem of companies in the space sector and that of research groups in areas of interest that may provide support for innovative initiatives (quantum communication, payloads observation and communication systems, new designs and components for space structures, positioning and airworthiness, secure space communications, launchers and new materials) will work closely with the Agency. Research groups and public-private networks will also do so to promote projects related to any of the areas of interest of the Agency, with which they will establish direct contact if it settles in the city.

Seville is preparing an excellent candidacy to become the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency, which would be a boost for the entire sector and a fundamental boost for the industry. This candidacy is being designed thanks to the support of numerous public and private institutions. The support of professionals and citizens will also be key in this process.

Do you want to support Seville's candidacy and be part of this great achievement?

Sign here to support the candidacy of Seville as the headquarters of the Spanish Space Agency