New EUR-ACE® International Quality Seals in ETSI degrees

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The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville has obtained the EUR-ACE® Seal for the qualifications of the Andalucía Tech Campus of International Excellence. Specifically, the ETSI has obtained the Seal for the Degree in Energy Engineering, Degree in Electronic Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics, and in the Degree in Industrial Organization Engineering.
Being part of a joint Campus of International Excellence with the University of Malaga (School of Industrial Engineering), obtaining the EUR-ACE Seal for these degrees is a milestone in the accreditation of joint degrees. The qualifications from the Andalucía Tech Campus of International Excellence join the rest of the ETSI Degree qualifications that already had the aforementioned Seal (Degree in Aerospace Engineering, Degree in Civil Engineering, Degree in Chemical Engineering, Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering and Degree in Telecommunications Technology Engineering). Therefore, all the Degrees taught at the ETSI have this recognition of international excellence.

This recognition has positive retroactive effects for graduates of Andalucía Tech degrees who graduated from the ETSI as of November 2019. 

The EUR-ACE® Program is a collaborative project in which 38 countries, mainly European, participate, and which is supported by national evaluation agencies, ANECA in the case of Spain, which carry out evaluations in each country. The EUR-ACE® Seal is a certificate granted by an agency authorized by the European Network for the Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to a university regarding a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Engineering evaluated according to a series of defined standards, according to with the principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition and mobility contemplated in the European Higher Education Area. For this reason, the Spanish Engineering Institute (IIE), as one of the country's most representative institutions of the engineering profession, and ANECA, as the main actor in the process of renewing the accreditation of degrees in Spain, carry out carry out a joint collaboration that promotes the quality and international recognition of Spanish bachelor's and master's degrees in the field of engineering.

Obtaining the EUR-ACE® Seal represents recognition for the Center of excellence in the training of engineering professionals in a multitude of disciplines. It is precisely the diversity of degrees taught by the ETSI, which distinguishes it from other schools at the state level and which is positively valued for obtaining the Seal. In particular, the EUR-ACE® Seal certifies that graduates of the evaluated degrees:

• They meet the quality criteria established and agreed by international quality assurance agencies in higher education, based on international standards recognized by employers in Europe.
• Recognizes the quality of the degree inside and outside the country where it is taught, this recognition being an incentive for potential students to choose it.
• It assures employers of degree graduates that the knowledge and practical skills of degree graduates meet a series of international educational standards in the field of the Seal degree.

The Management of the ETSI continues, promoting the development and modernization of the engineering degrees taught at the center, ensuring the quality of the study plans and teaching within the framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), and the common services of the ETSI, which results in a better and more efficient service to the Society to which the School is indebted. In particular, it is the intention of the ETSI to subject the remaining Master's degrees in Engineering to evaluation.
