Anibal Ollero Baturone receives the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Research Award

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The Professor of Robotics at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville has received the most important prize in Spain in the field of Scientific research, the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Prize, awarded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. 


The engineer Aníbal Ollero Baturone, professor of Robotics at the University of Seville, has obtained the Leonardo Torres Quevedo National Award in the area of ​​Engineering for “the excellence of his research activity”, mainly in “the development of autonomous systems”.


The Ministry of Science and Innovation has awarded the ten modalities of the 2021 National Research Awards to Aníbal Ollero Baturone, Francisco José García Vidal, Hermenegildo García Gómez, Montserrat Vilà Planella, Luis Vega González, María José Alonso Fernández, Jesús Fernando San Miguel Izquierdo , Purificación Muñoz Cánoves, Jordi Galí Garreta and Margarita Díaz-Andreu. The Minister of Science and Innovation, Diana Morant, has informed the winners of the jury's decision and has congratulated them on behalf of the Government.


Created in 1982, these awards are Spain's most important recognition in the field of scientific research. Their objective is to recognize the merit of those Spanish researchers who are carrying out outstanding professional work of international relevance in their respective areas of research and scientific fields, and who contribute exceptionally to the advancement of science, to the better knowledge of human beings and their coexistence. , to the transfer of technology and the progress of humanity. The total amount of the prizes amounts to 300,000 euros, with a financial award of 30,000 euros for each of the categories.


This is the second time that the ten modalities of these awards have been announced in the same year. In this edition, a total of 119 applications have been received. Of the 115 that were admitted, 27 were women and 88 were men.


The call for awards, on a competitive basis, has taken place under the principles of publicity, transparency, equality and non-discrimination. The decision of the ten juries was unanimous and all of them highlighted the extraordinary quality of the candidates that were presented.


Official statement from the Ministry of Science and Innovation: