Resolution calling for elections to Director and School Board of the ETSi - Final Candidacy for Director of the ETSi

Publication date

Resolution of the Management of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of February 23, 2023 by which elections are called for the Director and School Board.

Resolution calling for elections for Director

In exercise of the powers conferred on me by article 30.m) of the Statute of the University of Seville and article 37.1 of the General Regulations of the Electoral Regime of the University of Seville.


1st. Call elections for Director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

2nd. These elections will be governed by the rules established in the Statute of the University of Seville, in the General Regulations of the Electoral Regime of the University of Seville and in the Operating Regulations of the School Board, and will be carried out in accordance with the approved Electoral Calendar. by the Center Board of February 23, 2023, which, in accordance with article 7 of the aforementioned General Regulations, is included in this call as its Annex (Annex I).

Francisco Rodríguez Rubio


Resolution calling for elections to the Center Board

In exercise of the powers conferred on me by article 30.m) of the Statute of the University of Seville and article 29.1 of the General Regulations of the Electoral Regime of the University of Seville.


1st. Call elections to the Center Board of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

2nd. These elections will be governed by the rules established in the Statute of the University of Seville and the General Regulations of the Electoral Regime of the University of Seville, and will be carried out in accordance with the Electoral Calendar approved by the Center Board of February 23, 2023 that , in accordance with article 7 of the aforementioned General Regulation, is included in this call as its Annex (Annex I).

Francisco Rodríguez Rubio