Deep regret in the Academic Community of the ETSi for the death of Professor Miguel Ángel Aguirre Echánove

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The management of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, its teaching staff, students and administration and service staff, deeply regret the death of the professor and colleague Miguel Ángel Aguirre Echánove.

Professor Aguirre Echánove was a doctor in Industrial Engineering and professor in the area of ​​Electronic Technology in the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville.

In his academic activity, he stood out for his interest in improving the subjects he taught, for creating attractive content and activities that motivated students in their approach to Electronics. His contact with the students was constant, offering training scholarships and multitudes of Final Degree Projects that he always tutored with maximum availability.   

Since presenting his doctoral thesis in 1994, Professor Aguirre Echánove has carried out his research and technology transfer in the field of programmable logic devices. It is worth highlighting his beginnings in large European projects such as FIPSOC (Field Programmable System On Chip) project in 1996, where a reconfigurable chip for industrial use was designed, for the first time worldwide.

Miguel Ángel always dreamed big, making his research stand out internationally. An example of this is that, thanks to his exceptional vision and optimism, he was the promoter and leader of the FT-UNSHADES project of the European Space Agency (ESA) for almost two decades, transforming it into a reference tool in the evaluation of resistance. against radiation from electronic systems. As a pioneer in the research of radiation effects in Electronics, Miguel Ángel formed and led with great passion and generosity a work team whose legacy will endure in the fields of education, research and the space electronics industry. His positive attitude was always a source of inspiration for his team and for all of us who had the honor of collaborating alongside him.

The impact of his work transcends borders, having collaborated with national and international institutions such as the National Accelerator Center (Seville), the Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Center (Salamanca), the University of Alicante , the Carlos III University of Madrid , the TIMA laboratory (Grenoble, France), the Polytechnic of Turin (Italy), the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and the European Space Agency.

On a personal level, Miguel Ángel always stood out for his cheerful character and easy laugh, his overflowing passion for his work and for Betis, his generous heart and, as he demonstrated in his later years, his amazing ability to fight.

Finally, we would like to highlight the affection and appreciation that the entire ETSi academic community showed to Miguel Ángel Aguirre Echánove, a fact that has led to such unfortunate news plunging us all into deep pain. Rest in peace.  


Miguel Ángel Aguirre Echánove