Dismay of the ETSi academic community over the death of its researcher and professor Emilio Gómez González

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The management of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, its teaching staff, students and administration and service staff, deeply regret the death of professor and colleague Emilio Gómez González. 

Professor Gómez González was a doctor in Physics and professor of Applied Physics at the Department of Applied Physics III of the University of Seville , where he founded in 2001 - and directed until his death - the Interdisciplinary Physics Group (GFI) .

His research activity revolved around the design, development and implementation of optical and neurophotonic technologies for non-invasive and image-guided surgery in Neurosurgery and Fetal Surgery; diagnostic aid systems and personalized medicine in Hepatology, Radiology, Neurology and other medical areas; and optical architectures for augmented reality and 2D and 3D visualization.

As a result of the pandemic situation experienced worldwide, Prof. Gómez González dedicated great efforts to researching the development of technology that would allow the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 to be detected on surfaces. This fact caused him to be awarded the Cross of Police Merit with White Badge .

For more than twenty years he collaborated with the Andalusian Health Service, specifically with the Sevillian hospitals Virgen del Rocío and Virgen Macarena, in pioneering research with high technological training, which allowed very complex interventions to be carried out for the first time in Spain and Europe. At the same time, she collaborated with the HUMAINT Project of the Joint Research Center (JRC) of the European Commission in researching the social aspects of technologies based on Artificial Intelligence in the field of health.

Among his numerous publications in scientific journals, those related to the field of ' Applied Optics and Photonics' and ' Plasma Ball ' stand out, as well as the guide to learning about digital photography cameras to which image professionals have used so much. facing its transfer from the analogue to the digital world.

Finally, we would like to highlight the love and appreciation that the entire ETSi academic community showed to Emilio Gómez González , a fact that has led to such unfortunate news plunging us all into deep pain. Rest in peace.