"Transformative Mentoring - Start your career" Program

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The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville will host for the second consecutive year the "Transformative Mentoring - Start your career" Program organized by the Royal Academy of Engineering within the "Women and Engineering" initiative.

The objective pursued by the program is to complete the training of university students, with knowledge and skills – through conversation with mentors – that are essential for adequate development and professional projection, and that go beyond the purely academic knowledge learned in the classrooms.

This program represents a unique opportunity for university students. The universities, making a significant effort to finance – through scholarships – this additional training that the excellence mentoring program entails, have made the decision to generate, in the university environment itself, an ecosystem that generates a different embryonic model of relationship with its members. graduates, where excellent university students, sponsoring companies and the Royal Academy of Engineering are the actors involved.

The ultimate objective of the program is to generate networks of people committed to the social change necessary to transform the current paradigm of education and engineering. It represents a meeting point between the corporate world and the new generations of the best university talent, constituting a unique and exclusive opportunity for all participants.

This program "Transformative Mentoring - Start your career" has limited places. If you are interested, fill out this form to offer us relevant information about yourself, which allows us to assess whether your profile fits the characteristics and needs of the program. We hope you enjoy filling it out!