Concentration at the ETSi for International Women's Day, a tribute to all the women who make up our School

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Today, March 8, International Women's Day, we gathered at the main door of the School to take this photo. A tribute to all the women who are part of the ETSi: management, teaching staff, students and administration and service staff, so that with each passing year we are closer to effective equality between women and men.

For an inclusive digital world: Innovation and technology for gender equality

This year the UN demands equality under the motto “For an inclusive digital world: Innovation and technology for gender equality” . The role of the university in this sense must be key, both in digital technological development and in ensuring that there are no gender biases in the use and design of big data tools or Artificial Intelligence. We cannot allow these tools, innovative and important for the development of humanity, to become spaces where stereotypes and gender roles are confirmed and perpetuated.

Without a doubt, we have come a long way, but there is also a lot left to go. From the ETSi, as a teaching entity, it is our job to persevere in the task of building a more just and equal world, through higher education and permanent training. In this #8M we cannot forget all the girls and women who see their right to education restricted and especially at this time the Afghan and Iranian women.

Therefore, our commitment is resounding; Once again, March 8 is an opportunity to reinforce gender equality policies at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville.