Young Engineers for a Better World Competition

Publication date

From the Spanish Engineering Institute, IIE, we address all Young Engineers from anywhere in Spain who, individually or as a team, have a successful Project carried out in 2022, 2023 or 2024 that can contribute to a world better.

It is necessary to have a Qualifying Master's Degree in Engineering and be under 35 years old.

Participants are requested:

1) Video of less than 5 minutes explaining the project

2) PDF document of maximum 5 pages describing the project (annexes are allowed)

3) CV of the participants with a length of 1 page.

These 3 documents must be sent before July 31, 2024 to the email

Participants are also requested to be members of the LinkedIn Professional Network

Subsequently, a Jury made up of 5 members designated by the University, Training and Business Committee, CUFE-IIE, and one delegated by the President of the IIE will select, among all the participants (individually or as a team), the 10 finalists and the 3 winners. who will receive the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prize in the Young Engineers for a Better World Competition.

The Jury will assess the feasibility of each Project and its positive impact on: Improvement of Society, Innovation, Ecological Transformation/Environment/SDG, Digital Transformation, Entrepreneurship and improvement of Transversal Competencies.

Later, on October 8, 2024, the Project Exhibition Ceremony and delivery of official Diplomas issued by the IIE will be held. This ceremony will be open to the public in person and online. Finally, the 10 finalists will be officially announced, including the 3 winners of the 1st Young Engineers for a Better World Contest.

In addition, the winner will be rewarded with €1,250 and the second with €750, thanks to the sponsorship of the Fundación Mutualidad de la Ingeniería and the third will be awarded with €500 thanks to the sponsorship of Inespro.