A total of 19 US students will be part of the Mentoring Excellence Program of the Royal Academy of Engineering

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A total of 19 US students will be part of the Mentoring Excellence Program of the Royal Academy of Engineering

This program aims to promote female talent in STEM areas, with special emphasis on the field of engineering and technology.

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville held today, at 12 noon, in the ETSi Degree Hall, the Opening Ceremony of the VIII Edition of the Excellence Mentoring Program that organizes the Royal Academy of Engineering within your initiative Women and Engineering with the aim of completing the training of university students, with knowledge and skills typical of the business and industrial world. 

The event has had institutional participation from the two entities involved, with the participation of the University of Seville Felipe Rosa Iglesias, vice-rector of Knowledge Transfer; Carmen Gallardo Cruz, vice-rector of Students; and Andrés Sáez Pérez, director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering. Meanwhile, the Royal Academy of Engineering has been represented by its president, Jaime Domínguez Abascal and its managing director, Javier Pérez de Vargas.

With the participation of companies around the University and students selected by the Higher Technical School of Engineering, the Excellence Mentoring Program has identified 19 potential young female technical talent who will be mentored by senior engineers from 10 companies: Hitachi Energi, EKS Energy, Ghenova, Emasesa, WoodSwallow, Ingelectus, Horse PowerTraining, NTT Data, Keyter Technologies and Elmya EPC. It is about training and promoting female STEM talent towards their promotion to highly responsible positions.

The objective of the project is to complete the training of university students, with knowledge and skills – through the relationship with mentors – that are essential for adequate development and professional projection, and that go beyond the purely academic learned in the classrooms. 

This program represents a unique opportunity for university students. The universities, making a significant effort to finance – through scholarships – this additional training that the excellence mentoring program entails, have made the decision to generate, in the university environment itself, an ecosystem that generates a different embryonic model of relationship with its members. graduates, where excellent university students, sponsoring companies and the Royal Academy of Engineering are the actors involved.  

The ultimate objective of this project is to generate networks of people committed to the social change necessary to transform the current paradigm of education and engineering. It represents a meeting point between the corporate world and the new generations of the best university talent, constituting a unique and exclusive opportunity for all participants.