The ETS of Engineering of the University of Seville delivers awards and recognitions to its academic community

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The ETS of Engineering of the University of Seville delivers awards and recognitions to its academic community

The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville (ETSi) has held the Awards and Recognition Ceremony for the 2022-2023 Academic Year, in which it has praised the work of its university community as well as the work carried out in the different areas of engineering. 

The awards ceremony was chaired by Andrés Sáez Pérez, director of the US ETS of Engineering, who was accompanied by Pedro García Haro, deputy director-head of studies, and Francisco Javier Pino Lucena, secretary of the ETS of Engineering, as well as of representatives of the chairs and institutions that grant awards in this edition.

The Best Final Year Projects and the Best Final Master's Projects developed by the ETSi students have been recognized, according to their subject matter, by the different Chairs of the Center (CEPSA, ENDESA, INERCO, PRL, ABORGASE and EMASESA), as well as the Caja de Ingeniería Foundation Awards, the Manuel Gayán Buiza Award, ETSI Teaching Innovation Awards, ETSi Scientific Article Awards for the 3rd and 4th quarter of 2022 and 1st and 2nd quarters of 2023 and the recognition of the awarded students in the JAPAS-2023, as well as the gratitude and recognition of the Retired staff of the Center.

The work of the institutions that support the Chairs that carry out activities at the ETSi uniquely promotes the advancement of the intellectual development of the center's students, as well as their training, thereby contributing to the development of the students who will leave these classrooms in a few years. like the professionals.

Another year, the Manuel Gayán Buiza Foundation highlighted the brilliant career and curriculum of a student of the Center, María González Torres , Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville and Doctor in Energy, Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the US, for his Work " Methodology for the Analysis of CO2 Emissions Due to Energy Use. Application to Historical Series and Future Scenarios " , as well as for his academic and personal career and his curricular projection.

The ETS of Engineering has also recognized the works awarded with the Scientific Article of the Quarter Awards, which aims to promote scientific publication in the ETSi, as well as the dissemination of research. In this edition, the awards were presented to the best works of the last two quarters of 2022 and the first two of 2023. The ETSi Teaching Innovation Awards. 

During the event, diplomas were also awarded to the winners of the Andalusian Open Doors Day for high school students that take place annually at the Center. With these sessions, the ETSI Management aims to bring the center closer to future students and reward the excellence of its students with a financial contribution that helps defray the costs of their studies.


List of award-winning works and recognized careers


A.- CEPSA Foundation Chair Awards. XII Edition    2 Awards for the best Master's Thesis awarded by the CEPSA Foundation Chair in the field of fuel production.


A.1      Award for the Best Master's Thesis in Chemical Engineering goes to the student Mr. Alejandro Aragón García, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Seville, for the work titled"STUDY OF H2 PRODUCTION PLANTS FROM BIOMASS GASIFICATION WITH IN SITU CO2 CAPTURE".


A.2      Award for the Best Master's Thesis in Industrial Engineering goes to the student Mr. Rafael García Gómez , Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville, for the work entitled "TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE CONVERSION OF AN AMMONIA PLANT WITH STEAM REFORMING INTO A GREEN AMMONIA PLANT".



b.-XIX Edition of the ENDESA Chair Awards for the best Master's Final Project and the Best Bachelor's Final Project Award.


B.1 The Award for Best Final Degree Project goes to Mr. Miguel Castro Molina, Graduate in Industrial Technology Engineering for the work titled "METHOLOGY FOR MODELING OF THREE-PHASE TRANSFORMERS AND SYSTEMATIC TESTING OF ENERGY INTENSITIES"


B.2 The Award for the Best Master's Thesis corresponds to Mr. Juan Francisco Moscoso Romo, Master's Degree in Electrical Energy Systems, for the work titled "CONSERVATION VOLTAGE REDUCTION": REVIEW OF THE STATE OF THE ART.


C.- XVII Edition INERCO Chair Award for Environmental Risks and Social Security

To the best TFG/TFM.

The Award for Best Final Degree/Master's Thesis goes to Mr. Iván Guillén Gómez , Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville, for the work entitled: "CYBERSECURITY RISK ANALYSIS APPLYING HAZOP METHODOLOGY FOR A PROCESS INSTALLATION ."


D.- XII Edition of the PRL Chair Prize  The University of Seville awards the Prize for the Best Final Year Project (Degree/Master) related to the Prevention of Occupational Risks, defended at this University.

The University of Seville Award goes to: Mr. Diego Rosa Bélmez , Graduate in Industrial Organization Engineering from the University of Málaga and Seville, for his work titled"PSYCHOSOCIAL RISK FACTORS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON HEALTH IN PEOPLE WORKING IN UNIVERSITIES"


E. V Edition of the ABORGASE Chair Awards  for the Best Works Related to the Circular Economy:


E.1 Award for the Best Final Year Project convened by the ABORGASE Chair for the Best Projects defended in the US related to the Circular Economy goes to Mr. Francisco Criado Castro , Double Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering from the University of Seville, for the Master's Thesis entitled "CONCEPTUAL DESIGN OF HYDROGEN PRODUCTION FROM LANDFILL BIOGAS".


E.2  Award for the Best Research Work convened by the ABORGASE Chair for the Best Work carried out in Spanish territory, related to the Circular Economy, goes to Ms.  Judith González Arias, Doctor in Production Engineering from the University of León, for the Work entitled " ADVANCED CATALYTIC PROCESSES TO IMPROVE THE PRODUCTION OF BIOFUELS THROUGH THERMOCHEMICAL TREATMENTS TO IMPROVE THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY ".


E.3  Accessit to Award for the Best Research Work convened by the ABORGASE Chair for the Best Work carried out in Spanish territory, related to the Circular Economy is for,  Ms. Andrea Arribas Sanchidrian, Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Valladolid , for the titled Work . "FRACTIONATION OF CARROT WASTE USING CONTINUOUS SUBCRITICAL AND SUPERCRITICAL WATER, PURIFICATION AND APPLICATION FOR CREATION OF BIO-BASED FILMS"


F. V Edition of the Water Chair Awards - EMASESA for the best Final Degree/Master's Thesis on Technology and Management of the Integral Water Cycle.


F.1 Award for the Best Final Degree Project from the Water Chair-EMASESA goes to Ms. María Granados Santos , Graduate in Industrial Technology Engineering, for her Work“NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING TECHNIQUES TO ANALYZE ARTICLES ON MACHINE LEARNING AND THE MANAGEMENT OF WATER NETWORKS.”


F.2. Award for the Best Final Master's Project from the Water Chair-EMASESA goes to Ms. Alejandra Marisol Carranza Martínez , Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Seville, for her work“STUDY OF THE APPEARANCE OF BULKING IN A WASTEWATER TREATMENT STATION, THROUGH THE USE OF MACHINE LEARNING TOOLS.”


The jury has deemed it appropriate to award two Accesit to the Best Master's Thesis:


F. 2.1 Access 1 The Best Master's Thesis of the Water Chair-EMASESA goes to Mr. Javier Troncoso Benítez , Master in Technologies and Management of the Comprehensive Water Cycle, for his work“ANALYSIS AND PROPOSAL FOR THE DESIGN OF A LIME SATURATED WATER INSTALLATION, IN THE CARAMBOLO ETAP TO COMPLY WITH THE LANGELIER INDEX, ACCORDING TO RD 140/2003”.


F. 2.2 Access 2 The Best Master's Thesis of the Water Chair-EMASESA goes to Ms. Elizabeth Jiménez Compán , Master in Technologies and Management of the Comprehensive Water Cycle, for her work“VALORIZATION OF WWTP BIOSOLIDS THROUGH BIOCONVERSION WITH BLACK SOLDIER FLY LARVAE (Hermetia illucens)”


XV EDITION OF THE MANUEL GAYÁN BUIZA PRIZE for the best research, training or doctoral work related to Applied Mathematics and Engineering. 


The Prize is for Ms. María González TorresMaster's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville and Doctor in Energy, Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the US, for her work "METHODOLOGY FOR THE ANALYSIS OF CO2 EMISSIONS DUE TO ENERGY USE. APPLICATION TO HISTORICAL SERIES AND FUTURE SCENARIOS", as well as for his academic and personal career and his curricular projection. 





            Receives the Award for the best academic record from the ETS of Engineering in Degrees Degree:


                        Mr. Fernando María Valdenebro Jareño, Graduated in Industrial Technology Engineering from the University of Seville.


            Receives the Award for the best academic record from the ETS of Engineering in Degrees Qualifying master's degree:


                        Mr. Sergio Camargo Navajas, Master in Aeronautical Engineering from the University of Seville.


AWARD FOR SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE OF THE QUARTER FROM THE ETSi. 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2022 and 1st and 2nd Quarter of 2023.


            The award-winning scientific articles of the ETSi are awarded, from the twenty-first edition to the twenty-fourth edition, covering from the third quarter of 2022 to the second quarter of 2023.

6.1 ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Awards: July-September 2022 to the  job:

Renewable medium-small projects in Spain: Past and present of microgrid development”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 165, September 2022, whose authors are   Grace María Cabello.; Sergio Jesús Navas; Irene Vazquez Alfredo Iranzo and Fco. Javier Pino.

6.2 ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: October-December 2022 to the following work:

A review on buildings energy information: Trends, end-uses, fuel and drivers” , Energy Reports, vol. 8, November 2022, whose authors are María González-Torres M.; Luis Pérez-Lombard.; Juan Francisco Coronel; Ismael Rodríguez and Da Yan.

6.3 ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: January-March 2023 to the work:

Experimental observations of fatigue damage in cross-ply laminates using carbon/epoxy ultra-thin plies”, Composite Structures, vol. 306, 15 February 2023 pp. 116564., whose authors are * Serafín Sánchez-Carmona; Elena Correa; Alberto Barroso and Federico Paris

6.4 ETSI Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: April-June 2023 to the following work:

Kernel-Based State-Space Kriging for Predictive Control”, IEEE/CAA Journal of 

Automatica Sinica, vol. 10 no.5, May 2023, pp. 1263-1275, whose authors are.  * Alfonso. Daniel Carnerero; Daniel Rodríguez Ramirez; Daniel Limón and Teodoro Álamo.




First prize for the work “Learn control fundamentals by building a line-following robot” , carried out by: Prof. Ignacio Alvarado, Prof. Carolina Albea, Prof. Ascensión Zafra, Prof. Francisco Salas and Prof. David Muñoz de la Peña.


Second prize for work “Improvement, adaptation and expansion in the integration of skills from cooperative work in the area of ​​Chemical and Environmental Engineering”, carried out by the teachers: Prof. Yolanda Luna Galiano, Prof. Carmen Arnáiz Franco, Prof. Alicia Ronda Gálvez, Prof. Esmeralda Portillo Estévez, Prof. Luz Marina Gallego Fernández, Prof. Fernando Vega Borrero, Prof. Rosario Villegas Sánchez , Prof. Fátima Arroyo Torralvo and Prof. Emilia Otal Salaverri 


Third prize for work “Learning by doing in the field of Hydraulic Engineering”, carried out by: professors Prof. Carmen Zarzuelo Romero, Prof. Antonio Ruiz Reina, Prof. Camelia Ruiz Viola, Prof. Nicolás Gutiérrez Carmona, Prof. Guillermo Martín Llanes and Prof. . Alejandro López Ruiz. 





Mr. Vicente Baena Lecuyer   Full University Professor assigned to the Department of Electronic Engineering.

Mr. Juan Francisco Coronel Toro, Full University Professor assigned to the Department of Energy Engineering.

Mr. Federico Cuesta Rojo, Full University Professor, assigned to the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.

Mr. Ricardo Chacartegui Ramírez, University Professor assigned to the Department of Energy Engineering.

Mr. Juan Manuel Montes Martos, University Professor assigned to the Department of Engineering and Materials Science and Transportation.

Mr. Jesús Muñuzuri Sanz, University Professor assigned to the Department of Industrial Organization and Business Management II.

Mr. Manuel Gil Ortega Linares, University Professor assigned to the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.

Mr. Francisco Salas Gómez, Full University Professor assigned to the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.

Mr. Carpóforo Vallellano Martín, University Professor assigned to the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering.

Mr. Manuel Vargas Villanueva, Full University Professor, assigned to the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.

Mr. Nils Peter Johan Ingemar Wideberg Full Professor, assigned to the Department of Engineering and Materials Science and Transportation.




Mr. Juan Carlos Alcántara Morales , Special Technician in Audiovisuals of Concierge.

Mr. Andrés Burgos Quijano , employee of the Maintenance Service.

Mr. Manuel Fernando Jiménez Cano, Maintenance Service employee.

Mr. José María Lorenzo Nombela, Maintenance Service employee.

Mr. Manuel Mallén Cerrato, Copy Shop employee

Mrs. Aurora Jiménez Losada, Cleaning Service employee

Ms. Raquel Martín Carbajo , Cleaning Service employee




Mr. Antonio de la Villa Jaén , University Professor, assigned to the Department of Electrical Engineering.

Mr. José Luis Domínguez Reina, Workshop Master, assigned to the Electrical Engineering Department.

Mr. Antonio Fernández García-Navas , University Professor, assigned to the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Fluid Mechanics.

Mr. Eduardo Fernández Camacho , University Professor and Professor Emeritus, assigned to the Department of Systems Engineering and Automation.

Mr. Miguel Florencio Lora , University Professor, assigned to the Department of Applied Mathematics II.

Mr. Carlos Gómez Camacho, University Professor, assigned to the Department of Energy Engineering.

Mr. Antonio Guillén Mateos, Workshop Master, assigned to the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing

Mr. Rafael Moriana Morales, Workshop Teacher, assigned to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Mr. Pedro Ollero de Castro, University Professor and Professor Emeritus, assigned to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Ms. María Teresa Saavedra Pastrana, Workshop Teacher, attached to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.

Mr. Laureano Soria Conde, University Professor, assigned to the Department of Engineering and Materials and Transportation Sciences.