A telecommunications graduate from the ETSi recognized for his TFG at the Ingenio Junior Awards
A telecommunications graduate from the ETSi recognized for his TFG at the Ingenio Junior Awards
The student of the Telecommunications Technologies Engineering Degree of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, Diego Quintana Sánchez, received the third Accésit for the best final degree project of the Ingenio Joven 2023 Awards on December 15, which were delivered by the Official College of Telecommunications Technical Engineers of Andalusia (COITTA) and the Andalusian Association of Graduates and Engineers in Specific Telecommunications Technologies (AAGIT), in an event held at the ETSi.
This annual call aims to promote excellence, recognize the efforts of graduates, make talent visible, and generate synergies between the academic and professional fields, presenting the Ingenio Junior Award for the “Best Final Degree Project (TFG)” , three second prizes, and a special prize in the category of “Best TFG in Audiovisual Engineering”.
Elena Díaz and María Martín, head of Universities and member of COITTA/AAGIT, led the event, which was opened by Andrés Sáez Pérez, director of the Sevillian university center that hosted the event. Díaz has highlighted the quality of the applications and works awarded for his academic excellence, in an event that, year after year, demonstrates the strength and potential of young Andalusian talent.
The delivery was chaired by Andrés Sáez Pérez, director of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville. Pedro García Teodoro, director of the Higher Technical School of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Granada, attended to give their support on behalf of the Schools' directors; and Fernando Jesús Ruiz Vega, deputy director of Academic Planning and Quality of the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineering of the University of Málaga. In their different interventions, the representatives have agreed to point out the importance of these recognitions, which represent a boost to the training stage and an opportunity to connect universities with schools and professional sectors.
Pedro Córdoba, dean of COITTA, and Antonio Rodas, president of AAGIT, closed the day and highlighted the value of the effort and time invested, the importance of the profession advancing at the pace of technological development in an interconnected world in which Telecommunications engineering plays a crucial role, and in which membership is the way to value and defend this profession and its professionals. Likewise, and in this line, they have highlighted the need to create alliances between the academic field and business reality, to face future challenges and promote the success of projects and innovation.
The COITTA/AAGIT Junior Ingenuity Awards are intended to distinguish the best Final Degree Projects (TFG), carried out by Telecommunications engineers, who have completed their studies in some of the University Schools of the Andalusian autonomous community, and who have defended their TFG this year. From all the projects presented, 4 finalists are chosen, who receive a financial award as a prize according to the assessment of a jury made up of professionals with multidisciplinary experience in the ICT sector. In addition to three second prizes and a first prize, the award was presented in the award category for the best work in audiovisual engineering, to address new specialties in these areas of study.
- Ingenio Junior Award 2023 for the Best TFG: “Study of the progression of Parkinson's disease using deep learning”, by Enrique Sebastián Delgado, Graduate in Telecommunications Technology Engineering at the University of Granada (UGR). This work is based on artificial neural networks to analyze three-dimensional brain images and extract patterns of brain neurodegeneration and relate them to the clinical symptoms of Parkinson's disease. A study with the potential to advance early diagnosis and treatment, which improves the quality of life of patients,
- “ Statistical modeling and experimental analysis of underwater wireless optical channel in the presence of air bubbles and dispersion” , by Carlos Gómez García , Technical Telecommunications Engineer in the specialty of Sound and Image at the University of Málaga (MLG). In the work, a channel emulator for underwater wireless optical communications (UOWC) is developed. With the aim of statistically modeling scenarios with the presence of air bubbles of different sizes and levels of turbidity or dispersion in the water, which can negatively influence the transmission of the signal.
- “Performance analysis of an FSO link based on IRS” , by Celia Sánchez de Miguel , Technical Telecommunications Engineer specializing in Sound and Image at the University of Málaga (MLG). This project studies the use of FSO (Free Space Optics) technology in communication between low orbit (LEO) satellites and Earth. This technology uses light to transmit data wirelessly, which could improve network speed and capacity. In addition, smart reflective surfaces are being investigated to improve signal quality. These advances could have applications in the current 5G network and in future mobile generations.
- “Use of machine learning to find semantic relationships in natural language” , by Diego Quintana Sánchez , Graduate in Telecommunications Technology Engineering from the University of Seville. The idea of this work is to delve into the mechanisms and techniques of deeplearning and natural language processing used by language models such as GPT, and then implement from scratch a language model capable of detecting the semantic relationship between 2 sentences.
- “Acoustic conditioning of the Echegaray Theater” , by Natalia Rosado Briales , Technical Telecommunications Engineer, Specializing in Sound and Image at the University of (Málaga). A project based on the Echegaray Theater, in which a measurement, exhaustive analysis and 3D models with simulations of the acoustic parameters have been carried out, in search of the acoustic improvement of the venue, so that the public can enjoy all the sounds without miss nothing and in a harmonious way.
COITTA/AAGIT is the representative in Andalusia of COITT/AEGITT. The Official College of Telecommunications Technical Engineers was established in 1974 from the National Association of Telecommunications Assistants (ANAT), which would later become the AEGITT, Spanish Association of Graduated Telecommunications Technical Engineers. The AAGIT Andalusian Association of Graduates and Engineers in Specific Telecommunications Technologies was born in 2007 in response to the social demand to create a unique forum where Andalusian professionals in the activity of Telecommunications Engineering can freely express their concerns, share experiences , unite wills, train and serve society in the best possible way.