An ETSi student stands out internationally for his startup proposal

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An ETSi student stands out internationally for his startup proposal

The team formed by the student of the Degree in Engineering of Telecommunications Technologies of the ETSi of the US, Rodrigo Romero Zamorano and the student of the Degree of Mechanical Engineering of the EPS of the US, John Nicolás León Kabarity, has managed to be among the ten chosen this summer, in Porto, at the European Innovation Academy (EIA). This program has been created by the prestigious universities of Stanford and Berkeley, in which students from all over the world have the opportunity to experience, in a real way, the launch of a startup in just three weeks.  

The team made up of these two students from the University of Seville, in which Caitlin McCarthy from the Mount Royal University of Calgary (Canada), Alexita Velasco from UC Berkeley (USA) and Diogo Michel Henriques Falcão from the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisbon (Portugal) has presented the BoomTickets initiative that seeks to promote a party and venue ticket sales experience for users by offering a direct social market. They have won the creation of the brand identity by the company Codehouse and access to Antler Iberia, a global venture capital fund manager for companies in the pre-seed phase.

The group attended the EIA this summer as a prize for entrepreneurship programs held last year along with nine other students from the University of Seville.

A total of 100 teams made up of five international students presented their innovative start-up ideas before a jury of expert investors, after identifying the problems, validating the idea with potential clients, prototyping and creating the minimum viable product, as well as launching campaigns. of marketing, accompanied by specialized mentors.

Among the highest scores

These 10 selected teams had the opportunity to present their business idea to a wider audience where they received special prizes. The European Innovation Academy (EIA) is an internationally recognized educational program that encourages the development of start-ups in a multicultural ecosystem. This initiative is organized by the universities of Stanford, Berkeley and Google, and this year more than 500 students from 85 countries participate.

The teams needed to have certain elements to be chosen: a website, updated EpiProdux, a validated target market, confirmed clients (300+ registrations for B2C or 3+ letters of intent for B2B) and an established business model. Investors judged the teams on a five-point scale, evaluating opportunity, traction, scalability, execution and presentation. The top ten teams were distinguished not only by the highest scores from investors, but also by reviews from their mentors.