VI Prize for Teaching Innovation in Engineering of the ETSi of Seville

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VI Prize for Teaching Innovation in Engineering of the ETSi of Seville

The Management of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi), in order to promote the pedagogical updating of its teaching staff and the use of new teaching resources, calls on the Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) of the ETSi to participate in the “VI Award for Teaching Innovation in Engineering of the ETSi of Seville” , which, with a vocation for biennial celebration, is being held in its fifth edition in the current academic year 2022/2023.

Several years after the extinction of the old LRU degrees, university studies in Spain are fully adapted to the European Higher Education Area, with training based on the acquisition of skills. In the specific case of the ETSi of the University of Seville, more than 600 subjects are currently taught between its Bachelor's and Master's degrees, which are a favorable framework for reflection on teaching methodologies or on any innovation that may have an impact in the training of ETSi students. Thus, the “VI Prize for Teaching Innovation in Engineering of the ETSi of Seville” aims to stimulate reflection on the design and practice of teaching activity in Engineering in the current socio-academic context, as well as encourage student learning through actions teachers in the classroom and laboratories, who can improve, among others, the students' capacity for autonomous and/or cooperative learning, their participation and creativity, their communication capacity, the learning evaluation processes and the effective incorporation of tools that facilitate the above tasks. Likewise, the award aims to seek innovative actions that can contribute to the improvement of teaching and, where appropriate, be extended to other subjects.

The works will be delivered in electronic format (.pdf and .docx) attached to an email to the attention of the Subdirectorate in charge of teaching innovation tasks ( ) before October 31, 2023 . The Subdirectorate in charge of teaching innovation tasks at the ETSi will send confirmation of having received the work, which can be considered as proof of presentation.

More information and rules of the call here.