Internships in Companies

As a Master's student in Environmental Engineering at the ETSI, you can complement your training with internships in companies.

This experience will allow you to take the first steps in your professional career, developing the skills that companies require today. In addition, you will have the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in your studies in real projects, with the help of both public and private organizations, national and international.

The management of the US internship programs is developed through the  Secretariat of Business Internships (SPEE) and from the Business Internship Department of the ETSi .


Extracurricular Practices

Extracurricular internships are not part of the Study Plan, but can be carried out voluntarily during the Bachelor's/Master's Degree. These practices are contemplated in the European Supplement to the Title as determined by the current standard.

The number of hours to be carried out in an extracurricular internship must be greater than 200 hours and not greater than 600 hours or 6 months.

More information about extracurricular practices.

Can they be done at another Spanish University or abroad?


Internship regulations:
Access the information on the Regulations for external academic internships of the University of Seville.