Access and Academic Regulations


New entry places: -

Title code: 824300

Access: As access requirements, it will be required to meet both the access requirements to the MII and those corresponding to the MSEE, with the respective Academic Commissions retaining the powers over the assessment of candidates and the establishment of training complements and leveling subjects referred to in the verification reports, with the exception of the subjects specified in section 3d of this section, which will be considered training complements for the double Master's degree.

Recommended Profile: The most appropriate profile for the assimilation of the competencies and skills is that of a Senior Engineer with specific training in the area of ​​Electrical Engineering or a Graduate in Electrical Engineering.
There is an indicative table of other degrees that give access to the master's degree on the MSEE degree website.
The complementary subjects to be taken will depend on the optional subjects that the student has been able to take during the degree and the study plan itself. Therefore, the entire final access process is subject to the supervision of the master's academic committee. Extraordinarily, and after studying their curriculum, other graduates may be admitted. The Master is aimed at engineers, engineering graduates and technical engineers with training or previous experience in the area of ​​Electrical Engineering, who wish to deepen this specialization or complete a doctorate.
Extraordinarily, and after studying their curriculum, other graduates will be admitted, provided they have sufficient basic knowledge to allow them to adequately follow the subjects related to the Master's Degree. Students who do not have sufficient prior training in Electrical and Industrial Engineering must take complementary subjects, depending on their profile. Due to the use of the English language in the master's degree (bibliography, conferences, etc.), it is recommended that the student have a minimum of linguistic skills in this language equivalent to level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
In any case, those students who are going to begin studying this degree should have the following skills: -Personal Characteristics: Students with intellectual restlessness that pushes them to develop the necessary skills and wish to delve deeper into the area of ​​knowledge of Electrical Engineering . Candidates must have a critical attitude and analytical skills; planning, organization and teamwork skills; motivation for self-learning in the field of technical education; and interest in developing a professional activity in the electrical sector. - Academic Characteristics: In view of the advanced teaching involved in this Master's Degree, it is necessary that the student has acquired solid training in both the basic sciences, Mathematics and Physics mainly, and in the basic aspects of Electrical Engineering. In order to help students configure their curricular itinerary in an appropriate and personalized way, the University of Seville prepares information and guidance materials for students entering the University, among which is the University Degree Guide of Seville, accessible from the web address
The University of Seville, through the Postgraduate and Doctorate section, offers detailed information on the offer of Official Master's Degrees, about access criteria, specialties, responsible centers, etc., at the web address: .
Admission will entail the acceptance by the student that the Academic Committee will supervise the terms of their enrollment so that coherence is maintained between the student's previous training, the subjects chosen within the Master's Degree and their study sequence. The approval of the Academic Commission to the menu of subjects chosen by each student for their registration will be an essential requirement to be able to formalize the registration. The Master's Academic Committee will appoint one or more advisors who will be in charge of carrying out this task. If the student disagrees with the counselors' recommendations, they may appeal to the Academic Committee of the Master's Degree and to the Director of the Center, with the latter making the final decision.

Access Requirement:
Requirements for access to University Master's Degrees and admission procedure

How to access:
All information about the pre-registration process, dates, etc.

Credit recognition:
Credit recognition and validation tables.


Credit recognition regulations:
Credit recognition and transfer regulations

Permanence rules:
Access the rules for student permanence at the University of Seville

Enrollment rules:
Access the enrollment rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies

Evaluation and Grading Standards:
Access the evaluation and grading regulations of the subjects