Summer course at Beihang University, China

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Summer course at Beihang University, China

The call is intended for students enrolled in the Higher Technical School of Engineering who have a B2 level of English.

Within the framework of the agreement signed with the University of Seville, Beihang University, offers 30 places to participate in the summer course that it organizes from August 9 to 23, 2024 at the International Campus Hangzhou of Beihang University, in China. The program includes courses on artificial intelligence, system identification and Chinese culture. Students will receive accommodation, food and medical expenses during the summer course, which will be covered by Beihang University.

Students enrolled in the Higher Technical School of Engineering who certify a minimum of B2 in English will be eligible for these scholarships.

Students interested in participating must send the following documentation to , before June 30, 2024, indicating in the subject "Beihang Summer Course":

  • Motivation letter (maximum 1000 words) explaining the reason for applying for the scholarship and how it will contribute to the realization of your academic and professional project.
  • Student information sheet (downloaded from SEVIUS).
  • Accreditation of the level of knowledge of English.

After this period has passed, and after studying the applications received, the Vice-Rector for Institutional Projection and Internationalization will send the candidates' proposal to Beihang University, taking into account the criteria of academic record, accredited level of English and thematic affinity.

You can consult complete information about the program at the following link .