Do you want to participate in the XXVII Student Hall collaborating with the ETSi?

Publication date

XXVII Student Hall between April 17 and 22, 2023 , an event that aims to make the University of Seville known to its attendees, pre-university and university students, hence the hall is designed for as a sample of all levels of studies, providing information on its training, research, cultural and service offerings.

The call offers places for undergraduate students who wish to participate in this activity, participation that may lead to recognition of between 0.4 and 1 credit to be computed in the common elective block.

Participation will be requested at the School Secretariat, with a deadline until February 22, 2023 , inclusive, by submitting the attached application.

The selected students must collaborate with the School's stand, in person and/or attending chats, as well as collaborate in support tasks for the organization in the preparation and development of the event. In general, these activities will take place for a maximum of 25 hours.

Consult more information and call here.

Instance to participate in the XXVII Student Hall