The University of Seville and the College of Roads, Canals and Ports sign a collaboration agreement to promote the profession

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The rector of the University of Seville, Miguel Ángel Castro Arroyo, and the Dean of the Demarcation of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla of the College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports (CICCP) have signed their signatures on an Agreement by which both institutions They are committed to working in unison to promote the profession.

The event was also attended by the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, its director, Andrés Sáez Pérez, the Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Roads, Canals and Ports, José Antonio Reinoso Cuevas; while on behalf of the CICCP, José Luis Sanjuán Bianchi, secretary of the Demarcation of Andalusia, Ceuta and Melilla, as well as Pietro Tucci, Provincial Representative in Seville of the CICCP, attended the meeting.

Through this collaboration agreement, the foundations are laid for a new stage of cooperation between both institutions that will give rise to activities for the benefit of students and future professionals. The lines of collaboration that were already maintained between the two organizations are expanding and diversifying.

The main objective is to increase the school's relationship with the students, as well as its presence in new activities and greater knowledge of the school entity, its coverage and services for future engineers. Likewise, the contribution of an economic endowment is contemplated to facilitate the development of activities aimed at bringing undergraduate and master's students closer to the practice of the profession and expanding knowledge and skills useful in their next stage as engineers. It will also encourage bringing Civil Engineering studies closer to young people who are on the verge of starting their university career.

In this sense, the VI Roads, Canals and Ports Olympics of the Higher Technical School of Engineering are already scheduled for March 15, in which Compulsory Secondary Education students will test their knowledge of essential subjects for future students of the Degree. of Civil Engineering and that they are acquiring in their respective institutes. Likewise, the Bridge Competition is scheduled for March 22, in which undergraduate and master's students develop their skills in this field of engineering.