Success of the ETSi in the XXVIII Hall of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students and Ferisport

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The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, ETSi, has participated for another year in the Undergraduate and Postgraduate Student Fair and Ferisport organized by the University of Seville, and which in its XXVIII edition has been visited by 18,000 pre-university students.

In this edition, the 47 exhibitors that made up the forum have distributed themselves in a more open way, being able to choose the image that represents them, and show the best of themselves with the television that each one has.

The pre-university students, from 216 educational centers , have visited the exhibitors that the 26 own centers, among which was the ETSi, have set up to publicize through numerous activities the academic offer and the services with which account the US.

The rector of the University of Seville, Miguel Ángel Castro , inaugurated the event by pointing out that it brings together the three fundamental characteristics of this institution, “the photo of our University, the first largest in Andalusia and the second in Spain, the students who with “I hope they tell their experience, and those who are going to come.”