The engine of an Airbus A380 donated by Rolls-Royce is installed at the US Higher Technical School of Engineering

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Last Tuesday, July 19, an engine from an Airbus A380, the largest commercial aircraft in the world, Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi) of the University of Seville The A380 carries 4 of these Trent 900 thrusters in its wings, designed and manufactured by the aerospace company Rolls-Royce . These engines are high-bypass turbofans with triple concentric shafts, whose high-pressure turbine generates about 63,000 horsepower, providing a thrust of 374,000 N.

It is the second largest engine manufactured by Rolls-Royce at its headquarters in Derby, England; At 5.5 meters long, with a fan diameter of 2.95 meters and a weight of about 6.5 tons, it is capable of flying with sustainable fuel, and inside it can reach 1/3 of the surface temperature of the Sun. .

The arrival of this engine at the Higher Technical School of Engineering has been the result of the transfer made by Rolls-Royce to the University of Seville Airbus headquarters and the assembly line of the A380s. Currently, the University of Seville is unique in the world for housing an A380 engine. Its installation at the ETSi will allow it to be given a new use for teaching by carrying out augmented reality practices by the students thanks to the software provided by Rolls-Royce , which will allow navigation through the interior of the engine, and which can be completed with performing borescopic inspections of the interior of the engine.

This type of internship will involve the fusion of teaching innovation methods with advanced turbofan engine inspection methodologies that are used in the industry, thus providing US students with advanced and specialized training in turbofan engines, which will be also extendable to research groups. US with Rolls-Royce is strengthened as industry guests to give presentations and seminars, contribute to the students' internships, as well as to promote professional opportunities for the ETSi .