The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville has received a visit from Deimos Grupo Elecnor

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The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville has received a visit from Deimos Grupo Elecnor 

The Aerospace Engineering Group (GIA) of the ETSi had the pleasure of receiving Deimos Grupo Elecnor, a leading company in the space and defense sector. During the visit, various opportunities for collaboration between both institutions were explored, with special emphasis on:

- Internship offers for students: Deimos is looking for young talents with a passion for the space sector.

- Collaboration in Bachelor's and Master's Final Projects: Joint projects were proposed that allow students to apply their knowledge in a real context.

-Joint research work: Deimos and the GIA share interests in areas such as Earth observation and optimized space mission planning.


Deimos is a company with extensive experience in the space sector. It develops and integrates complete Earth observation missions, participates in ESA, European Union and Eumetsat programs, and offers solutions for systems engineering, ground segment, mission analysis and design, on-board software and satellite integration. For its part, the GIA has been researching for 16 years in the space field, with special emphasis on astrodynamics and space surveillance, guidance, navigation and control, and planning of Earth observation missions.


This visit has been a very enriching experience for both parties. It is expected that this collaboration will benefit present and future students, and lead to innovative projects in the space sector.


For more information about Deimos:

For more information about the GIA:

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