Closing of the VII Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering

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Closing of the VII Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering 


From September 23 to 25, the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville hosted the VII Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering (CIDIQ), which brought together more than 150 professors and researchers from 30 Spanish universities.


Organized by the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Seville, this conference has become a forum to share knowledge to improve and innovate the way of teaching teaching practice within the area of ​​Chemical Engineering, being a unique opportunity for share experiences, methodologies, reflections and knowledge to face the development of the future of teaching in said area.


In the previous edition of the CIDIQ, held in 2022 at the Complutense University of Madrid, the impressions and results obtained in student learning were analyzed after the implementation of innovative initiatives to improve the transmission of knowledge in the area of ​​Chemical Engineering.


In this new edition, the future demands of students have been analyzed, where the academic community can address the challenges of the subject with new methodologies, and especially, in the era of artificial intelligence.


The main objectives of this congress could be summarized as:

  • Share experiences of good practices of the different teaching methodologies and activities that have been developed and have been developed in recent years, adapting to the challenges of the introduction of new methodologies, as a consequence of the health crisis and focused on future challenges such as Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Teaching.

  • Reflect and debate on aspects related to teaching, the training of our students and the best practices to transmit knowledge and skills within the field of Chemical Engineering.

  • Promote dialogue and collaboration between universities and companies in the chemical sector, facilitating the adaptation of academic programs to the demands of the labor market.

The celebration of this 7th Edition of the CIDIQ at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of Seville, represents the closing of the commemorative events on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary of the teaching of Chemical Engineering studies at the University of Seville, held throughout the academic year 2023/2024.

25 years training chemical engineering professionals

The Chemical Engineering degree (Plan 98) was implemented at the ETSi in the 1998-1999 academic year, graduating around 600 students over 11 classes. The adaptation of university teaching to the European Higher Education Area means that the title of Chemical Engineer is transformed into Bachelor's and Master's Studies in Chemical Engineering, which at the ETSI are implemented in the 2010-11 and 2014-15 academic years, respectively. Since then, 10 undergraduate and 8 master's classes have been formed, with a total of 386 graduates.  

Currently, the graduate and master's degrees in Chemical Engineering have the collaboration of 4 Business Chairs: CEPSA Energy Foundation Chair, Waste Management Chair in the Circular Economy (Aborgase), Inerco Chair, Water Chair (Emasesa) in addition to the agreement with Flacema.

The wide versatility of the training of the graduates of the Chemical Engineering degree of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville, makes them a professional profile widely demanded by the industry both nationally and internationally, as demonstrate the wide variety of companies that have these professionals on their staff: Ayesa, CEPSA, REPSOL, Atlantic Copper or P&G are some of them.