Last days to register for the Master in Technologies and Management of the Comprehensive Water Cycle

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Students who want to enroll in the Master in Technologies and Management of the Comprehensive Water Cycle will have until September 20. A master's degree from the University of Seville of 66 ECTS credits, a very outstanding opportunity to obtain practical and quality experience in the water sector.

5th Edition of the Master in Technologies and Management of the Integral Water Cycle

The hydrological sector has evolved substantially in recent years, becoming a multidisciplinary sector in which varied profiles fit. This conversion has created the need for specialized training in the sector, training that understands the problems that exist in it and that has in-depth knowledge of the different multidisciplinary processes that are carried out.

For this reason, the Master in Technologies and Management of the Integrated Water Cycle , an initiative that aims to link the knowledge of the University of Seville with the experience acquired by the best professionals from EMASESA , one of the most prominent water companies in Spain. as well as other companies and institutions in the sector.

This master's degree is suitable for any student who has previously obtained a degree, master's degree, diploma or bachelor's degree, with scientific-technical qualifications being preferred, such as Chemistry, Biology, Environmental Sciences or Engineering, and others for which the master's degree is perfectly suited. In addition to being able to observe first-hand the problems that exist in the hydrological sector and the practical solutions that are applied, the master's degree has an optional paid internship program that all students enrolled in it can access. These practices will be carried out in different departments of EMASESA or in the collaborating companies of the Master, in which the knowledge acquired can be applied and in which we will work with all kinds of professionals in the sector, which will allow establishing essential networking for the future. professional future of the participants in our Master.

Theoretical classes will be taught in person on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and whenever possible via streaming. The practical classes will be on Friday mornings, thus making it compatible with other activities or studies that the students may carry out. In short, the Master in Technologies and Management of the Integrated Water Cycle is an unprecedented opportunity to complete or begin work activity and receive cutting-edge training in a sector that offers great professional opportunities.

Summary Master in Technologies and Management of the Integral Water Cycle

  • Master's registration deadline: September 20
  • Extracurricular internships paid 600 euros/month.
  • 75% of people who finish the master's degree get a job in the sector, 20% before finishing it.
  • Sector with great employment possibilities
  • Master with practical orientation, establish a network of professional contacts!
  • More information