Sicue national mobility call 2023-24

Publication date

SICUE call 2023-24

Called by the University of Seville for 2,303 places for exchange with other Spanish Universities.

In the SICUE Call section of the University of Seville in your Secretariat, you can consult the rules of the call, destination universities and places offered for your degree.

Requirements to participate:

  • Students enrolled in official Bachelor's and Double Degree courses (Master's and Doctorate study plans are excluded from the SICUE mobility program)
  • Have passed a minimum of 45 ECTS credits and be enrolled in 30 more credits
  • Transfer students must have completed 45 credits at the University of Seville.

✓ The grades obtained until the second call of the 2021-22 Course (September 2022) will be taken into account.

*Application submission period: from February 13 to 27, 2023, by Virtual Secretariat.