Ana Isabel Gálvez, ETSi student, awarded with one of the WONNOW Awards for the best female STEM degree files in Spain

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We would like to congratulate our student Ana Isabel Galvéz for her well-deserved recognition, last December 12, in the 5th edition of the WONNOW Awards for female records in STEM degrees -Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics- from Spanish universities, organized by CaixaBank. and Microsoft Ibérica. Congratulations Ana!

For the fifth consecutive year, this initiative nationally rewards female excellence in technical university degrees, promoting gender equality and diversity in this scientific-technological field and contributing to reducing the gender gap in these sectors where the presence of women is scarce. . These awards represent a job opportunity, in which the 10 winners will have a paid scholarship for 6 months to work in the CaixaBank group, followed by a mentoring program with Microsoft Ibérica.

The awarded students in this edition have been selected from among the 975 students from 57 universities  throughout Spain who have participated this year. In this call, 4 of the 10 winners come from Andalusian universities: 2 have studied at the University of Granada (UGr), 1 at the University of Málaga (UMa), and Ana Isabel Gálvez at the ETS of Engineering (ETSi) of the University of Seville (US).

The WONNOW Awards address two key issues for CaixaBank and Microsoft: diversity and commitment to technology, and digital training. Furthermore, they are a clear reflection of the values ​​that both entities share, among which are social commitment, work for equality, and the recognition of excellence.

To choose the winners, their academic record and personal, educational, professional and social career have been assessed. 


Career of Ana Isabel Galvéz

Ana Isabel Galvéz , also known as Anais, is a native of Lanjarón, Granada, and a student at ETSi.

Since she was a child, mathematics and technology have always caught her attention. For 4 years she had the opportunity to participate in ESTALMAT. A project that encourages the stimulation of mathematical talent in high school students, which allowed her to be clear with those advanced mathematics sessions at UGr and US that she wanted to study a STEM degree (Science, Engineering Technology and Mathematics).

He has completed his Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engineering (specializing in Aerospace Vehicles) at the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville. During these years, she has participated in volunteer activities, acted as a delegate, collaborated in the “First Lego Leage” (held at the ETSi), as well as enjoyed a collaboration scholarship. In addition, in recent years she has been responsible for co-directing the ETSi Engineering Gala.

Currently, he is finishing the last year of the Double Degree program in the Master in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Seville and Master in Aeroespacial Engineering (in the specialty of Space) at the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa .

Thanks to the opportunity provided by the Wonnow awards, he has joined the Intelligent Systems project applied in processes, in the Media area of ​​the Caixabank Group.

Also mention that recently Ana Isabel Galvéz has been one of the 4 winners (the only Spanish one) with the Feedzai-Women in Science Scholarship , promoted by the Feedzai company and the Higher Technical Institute of Lisbon.

WONNOW Awards for female STEM degree records

This initiative rewards female excellence in technical university degrees, promotes diversity and contributes to reducing the gender gap in these sectors, with enormous job opportunities and where the presence of women is scarce.

UNESCO report 'Decoding the keys: the education of women and girls in STEM' , only 35% of students enrolled in careers linked to STEM in higher education are women and only 3% of higher education students carry out ICT studies.

According to the 'U-Multirank Gender Monitor', the international ranking of universities promoted by the European Commission, which analyzes more than 1,000 institutions from 80 countries, including Spain, there is a gender imbalance as the academic career progresses.

By areas of knowledge linked to STEM, in Spain, Biology (62%), Chemistry (55%) and Architecture (50%) are those with the greatest presence of women in the classrooms, while Computer Engineering (14%) , Mechanical Engineering (17%) and Electrical Engineering (19%) are the ones with the least enrollment. There is also a gender gap in the labor market. According to the 'Women and Innovation 2022' report, prepared by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in collaboration with the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), in 2020 only 17% of Spanish companies and only one in three companies The ICT sector had women specialists in advanced technologies.