Four ETSI students win the Global Management Challenge Andalusia

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The AERGO Solutions team will represent Andalusia in the National Final of Global Management Challenge 2022. It is composed of Alberto Rico Holgado, Eduardo Pernía Guerrero, Samuel Torres Haro and Alejandro Lucena Gómez, students from the US Higher Technical School of Engineering. They have felt like directors for a day, analyzing their company's recent past and making decisions under pressure in a highly competitive environment to end up proclaiming themselves winners.

They have been winners of an edition that started in November with more than 35 teams throughout Andalusia, among them AERGO Solutions and another group from the ETSI, the ETSILED team, which finished seventh in the classification. They have had to overcome a demanding qualifying round between January and February. They have been able to overcome the obstacles and get a place in the 2022 GMC National Final. They are one step closer to becoming Spanish GMC champions and having the opportunity to represent the country in the International Final. For the first time in 42 years, the International Final will be held in Spain, with Galicia as the venue. The competition is organized in Andalusia together with the EUROAVIA student association, the European association of Aerospace Engineering students. At the national level, the organization depends on Dynamic together with the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

AERGO Solutions will face other teams from the regional competitions, from Castilla – La Mancha, Galicia, Valencia and Madrid, as well as a team from the general competition in which the rest of the autonomous communities are grouped.

Global Management Challenge promotes educational innovation at the university, allowing students to acquire professional skills in a practical, fun and highly competitive way.

About the competition

The competition has 42 years of development history during which it has experienced continuous adaptations following the evolution of the markets and including new competition, in order for participants to face each other in an environment very similar to reality.

Global Management Challenge is certified by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) in EOCCS, a quality seal aimed at online business management courses. In addition, the initiative is adhered to the entrepreneurship and youth employment strategy (EEEJ) and has the INJUVE Young Talent Seal.

Unlike most business plan and company creation competitions, in GMC participants learn to manage, make the right decisions at all times and understand their impact on all areas of the company. Likewise, it introduces university students to the use of decision tools that allow them to analyze the state and evolution of their company and face a real market and a highly competitive environment.