Enrollment Extension for 2023-24 Course

Publication date

Within the period between January 15 and 31, 2024, both inclusive , and through the SELF-ENROLLMENT , the Enrollment Extension can be formalized for the current 2023/2024 Academic Year. Possible modifications to this may be made within the same period.

This period will be extended until February 16 in the degrees and until March 4 in the masters, solely and exclusively to register for the Final Degree/Master's Thesis.

According to the Enrollment Rules for Bachelor's and Master's studies at the University of Seville, all students previously enrolled in the 2023/2024 academic year may extend their enrollment in annual and second-semester subjects .

Under no circumstances may those who have requested the issuance of the degree for the same studies during the current academic year be able to formalize an extension of registration.

It must be taken into account that the sum of credits enrolled in the course, considering ordinary enrollment and extension, may not exceed 90 credits, not counting among these those of the TFG/TFM, those of external internships or those of the subjects passed. in the Third Ordinary Call.

Payment by bank card, and the formalized registration will only generate the right to the provision of teaching services subsequent to the moment of its formalization and may not require the modification of the academic programming of the subject or subjects in question.

In cases in which the maximum bonus amount of 99% of the Junta de Andalucía could not be deducted in the ordinary enrollment period, since the bonus to which one was entitled was greater than the applicable academic amount, this difference will be will apply in the extension period under the same terms. Likewise, public price reductions that have been credited in the ordinary period will be applicable, or new deductions may be applied in the extension period.

Failure to pay the receipts generated in the ordinary or extension period and failure to present the documentation will determine the cancellation of the registration extension.