ETSi scientific article of the quarter award failed: April-June 2022

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The Jury of the Prize for the Scientific Article of the Quarter of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi), after the appropriate deliberations in which criteria based on various bibliometric indicators are taken into account, decides unanimously among its components, to award the Prize for the Article ETSi Scientist of the Quarter: April-June 2022 to the following job:

* “Life cycle and environmental assessment of calcium looping (CaL) in solar thermochemical energy storage” , Energy Conversion and Management, vol.
257, April 2022. DOI 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115428 Authors: Giancarlo Colelli, Ricardo Chacartegui, Carlos Ortiz Domínguez, Andrés Carro Paulete, AP Arena, Vittorio Verda.

Calcium looping is a promising thermochemical energy storage process to be integrated into concentrating solar power plants.

This work develops for the first time a comprehensive life cycle assessment of the calcium looping integration in solar plants to assess the potential of the technology from an environmental perspective. Two representative integrations are analyzed, representing daily (hot) and seasonal (cold) storage designs. Similar performance environmental impacts are observed in both, with slightly better results for the seasonal storage case due to the simplified energy storage integration. The results show the moderate environmental impact of calcium looping thermochemical energy storage technology, resulting in lower equivalent carbon dioxide emissions 24 kg/MWh) than other energy storage options such as molten salt-based solar facilities (40 kg/MWh). Plant construction involves a higher energy demand for the process, while the operation and maintenance on the plant represents a moderate impact due to the low environmental impact of limestone, the unique raw material of the process, and the lower water consumption compared to typical concentrating solar power plants. Furthermore, the energy required for the system is first time analyzed, obtaining an energy payback time of 2.2 years and 2.5 years depending on the storage strategy design.

After evaluating the articles submitted to the Award, the members of the Jury exchange opinions and agree in valuing the high quality of all the publications.

The Jury of the Award for the Scientific Article of the Quarter of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi): April-June 2022, made up of Mr. Emilio Freire Macías, as President, acting as Members Mr. Alfonso Miguel Gañán Calvo, Ms. Juana María Mayo Núñez, Mrs. Consuelo Arahal Junco, Ms. Lourdes García Rodríguez, and Mr. Alejandro Carballar Rincón. Mr. Alejandro Carballar Rincón acts as Secretary.
