New call for the Manuel Gayán Buiza Award

Publication date

XIV Manuel Gayán Buiza Prize
Registration date: until 2 p.m. on Friday, November 25, 2022

New call to participate in the XIV Manuel Gayán Buiza Award. An award that aims to encourage and promote Engineering studies, as well as research projects or doctorates related to applied mathematics or Engineering.

The call for the XIV Manuel Gayán Buiza Prize will be open from October 7 until 2:00 p.m. on Friday, November 25, 2022.

Manuel Gayán Buiza Award

Mr. Manuel Gayán Buiza, PhD in Forestry Engineering, was a professor of Algebra and Calculus at the School of Engineers of Seville for more than 30 years, also occasionally teaching other subjects in the Applied Mathematics department.

He was also Head of the Economic Affairs Section of the Guadalquivir Hydrographic Confederation, farmer, and businessman. This award was created by his family in 2008, when Manuel Gayán Buiza , to keep his memory alive.

Rules of the call for the 14th Manuel Gayán Buiza Prize

Through this call, a prize will be awarded to the project chosen by the selection committee. The projects that will be eligible for the award will be:

  • Research projects in a department of the Higher Technical School of Engineers of Seville (ETSI), or to be carried out by an ETSI student at another university.
  • PhD projects.
  • Academic improvement with a stay abroad to enhance the student's knowledge in a specific field of engineering.

Financial award in the amount of €1,800 and a diploma from the School.

The successful bidder will be publicly recognized at an event organized by the School, whenever circumstances allow. It is an essential condition to collect the prize in person to be able to obtain it.

Applicant Requirements

Applicants must be, at the time of submitting the application, in possession of a higher university degree, or pursuing engineering studies.

Required documentation
  • Copy of the National Identity Document or Passport.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • Copy of the university degree obtained or current registration for this course.
  • Report that justifies the interest of your training/research project, with a maximum length of 1,000 words.
  • A reference letter from a university professor or other relevant person who has had academic contact with the applicant.

Applicants must send the documentation in PDF format (maximum total size of 10MB) to the email before the date and time mentioned in this call.


The review of applications will be carried out competitively and, to this end, only the documentation provided will be considered.

Applications will be evaluated by the MGB Award selection committee , which will be made up of two representatives of the Gayán family and one from the ETSi of Seville .

The selection committee will send the Award resolution to the School Management for approval. If necessary, the selection committee may require a personal interview with the candidates. The interview is not intended to evaluate the candidate's academic knowledge, but rather his personal conditions and, in particular, his maturity, comprehensive training, motivation, as well as the projection of his research study project.

This call may be declared void if the selection committee so deems it.

The winners give their consent for their names to appear on the Prize website and in the documentation associated with it.

The applicant undertakes to accept, whatever it may be, the decision of the selection committee, which may not be revoked in any case at the request of the applicants.

The presentation of the application implies acceptance and compliance without reservation and any exception of all the bases and conditions of the call for Scholarships.


Closing of the application submission period: Friday, November 25, 2022, at 2:00 p.m.