ETSi scientific article of the quarter award failed: July-September 2022

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The Jury of the Prize for the Scientific Article of the Quarter of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi), after the appropriate deliberations in which criteria based on various bibliometric indicators are taken into account, decides unanimously among its components, to award the Prize for the Article ETSi Scientist of the Quarter: July-September 2022 to the following job:

“Renewable medium-small projects in Spain: Past and present of microgrid development”
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol.
165, September 2022, 112622. DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2022.112622
Authors: Gracia María Cabello González, Sergio Jesús Navas Herrera , Irene Matilde Vázquez Trujillos , Jose Alfredo Iranzo Paricio , Francisco Javier Pino Lucena.

ETSi award for the scientific article “Renewable medium-small projects in Spain: Past and present of microgrid development”

The article reviews the ongoing research studies and pilot projects on microgrids in Spain with the aim of highlighting the main lines of research that are being addressed (the technologies used, the control methods and the challenges in operation). . In this way, several smart networks have been studied and compared at the state level, finding that photovoltaics and wind are the preferred energy generation technologies in our country given their current performance and commercial availability. Although batteries are the most widespread energy storage systems, green hydrogen has a strong presence, appearing in a third of Spanish smart grids. Traditional control strategies are being displaced by advanced ones such as MPC or fuzzy logic due to their greater efficiency.

Through the article, the reader will have a clear vision of the penetration potential of renewable energies in the form of smart networks in Spain, through the study of the equipment involved in the contribution of the different installations and the main control strategies implemented. in a comparative analysis of the key aspects of this emerging technology.

Scientific Article Award Jury

After evaluating the articles submitted to the Award, the members of the Jury exchange opinions and agree in valuing the high quality of all the publications.

The Jury of the Prize for the Scientific Article of the Quarter of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSi): April-June 2022, composed of Mr. Emilio Freire Macías , as President, acting as Members Mr. Alfonso Miguel Gañán Calvo , Ms. Juana María Mayo Núñez , Ms. Consuelo Arahal Junco , Ms. Lourdes García Rodríguez , and Mr. Alejandro Carballar Rincón . Mr. Alejandro Carballar Rincón acts as Secretary.