ETSi: Awards and Recognition Ceremony for the 2021/2022 Academic Year

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On March 9, the Awards and Recognition Ceremony for the 2021-2022 Academic Year was held in the Graduate Hall of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville. 

The awards ceremony was chaired by Juana Mayo Núñez, Deputy Director of Studies at the US ETS of Engineering, Pedro Luis González Rodríguez, Secretary of the US ETS of Engineering, and Manuel Campoy Naranjo, Deputy Director of Students and Teaching Innovation at The ETS of Engineering of the US, also had the presence of representatives of the Chairs and institutions that grant awards in this edition.

The Best Final Year Projects, both for Bachelor's and Master's Degrees, as well as Research works developed by the ETSi students, were recognized according to their subject matter by Different Chairs (CEPSA Foundation, ENDESA, PRL, ABORGASE and the Water Chair). EMASESA), as well as by the Andalusian Labor Foundation for Cement and the Environment (FLACEMA), for the Manuel Gayán Award and the Caja Ingeniero Foundation award.


Presentation of Chair Awards for the best Final Degree Projects, Master's Final Projects and Research Projects

CEPSA Foundation Chair Awards. XI Edition   

Awards for the best Final Degree Project and Award for the best Final Master's Project awarded by the CEPSA Foundation Chair in the field of fuel production. The Award for the best Final Degree Project was presented by Mr. Benito Navarrete Rubia , University Professor assigned to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Head of the CEPSA Foundation Chair .

  • First Prize for Best Final Degree Project went to the student Ms. Laura Romero Piñeiro Graduated in Chemical Engineering from the University of Seville, for the Final Degree Project entitled "Techno-economic assessment of Green H2 production: Study of ammonia production in Huelva " . The award for the best Master's Final Project is presented by Mr. Jesús Velasco Nevado, Head of Institutional Relations at the CEPSA Foundation.
  • Award for the Best Master's Thesis goes to the student Mr. Francisco Criado Castro , Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Seville, for the Master's Thesis entitled "Conceptual design of hydrogen production from landfill biogas" .

18th Edition of the ENDESA Chair Awards 

For the best Master's Final Project and Award for the Best Degree Final Project. He presented the awards to Mr. Rafael Sánchez Durán , General Director of ENDESA for Andalusia and Extremadura.


  •  The Award for Best Final Degree Project goes to Mr. Francisco Ramos Pérez , Graduate in Industrial Technologies Engineering for the work entitled "Demand prediction and renewable generation with Deep Learning: Application to the optimization of electric vehicle charging stations".
  • Award for Best Master's Thesis goes to Mr. Salvador Fuentes Fuentes , Master's Degree in Aeronautical Engineering, for the work entitled "Analysis of technical, economic and environmental feasibility of a new electrical system for the autonomous city of Ceuta".

11th Edition of the PRL Chair Award  

Prize is awarded by the University of Seville for the Best Work related to the Prevention of Occupational Risks. The University of Seville Award was presented by: Mr. Luis Roda Oliveira , General Director of Work, Safety and Occupational Health of the Department of Employment, Business and Self-Employment of the Government of Andalusia

  • University of Seville Award went to: Ms. Andrea León Sierra , Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Seville, for her work entitled "Modeling of accidents in a refinery in Tarragona using ALOHA"

IV Edition of the ABORGASE Chair Awards

For the Best Works Related to the Circular Economy: The ABORGASE Chair Awards were presented to the Best Research Work on Circular Economy by Ms. Auxiliadora Ramos Tesón , responsible for ABORGASE's Integrated Management and Sustainability System.

  • Ex aequo Award for the Best Research Work Related to the Circular Economy goes to Mr. David Suescum Morales , Master's Degree in Civil Engineering, Canals and Ports from the University of Seville and Doctor in Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Rural Development Engineering from the University of Córdoba and Seville, for the work titled "CO2 capture construction materials for climate change mitigation."
  • Ex aequo Award for the Best Research Work Related to the Circular Economy goes to Ms. Monserrat Suárez Almeida, Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Seville and Doctor in Energy, Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the University of Seville for the work entitled "Solar gasification in dual fluidized bed using solids as heat carrier."

IV Edition of the Water Chair Awards - EMASESA

To the best Master's Thesis on Technology and Management of the Integral Water Cycle. The Awards were presented by Mr. Jose Francisco Pérez Moreno, deputy director of Governance and Cultural Transformation of EMASESA.

  • Ex aequo Award for the Best Master's Thesis of the Chair of Water-EMASESA went to Ms. Alba María Gutiérrez Diánez, Graduate in Biochemistry from the University of Seville and Málaga, for her work “Indicators of viral and bacterial fecal contamination in samples of waters.”
  • Ex aequo Award for the Best Master's Thesis of the Chair of Water-EMASESA went to Ms. Marta Marín Moreno, Graduate in Industrial Technology Engineering from the University of Seville, for her work “Characterization of droughts in UTS of the Basin of the Guadalquivir and its influence on the affected supplies”


 IV Edition of the Andalusian Labor Foundation for Cement and the Environment Award (FLACEMA)

For the Best Final Degree/Master's Thesis in Engineering on Cement and its applications. The Award was presented by Mr. Manuel Parejo Guzmán , General Director of FLACEMA.

The Prize went to Ms. Cristina Chacón Bonet, Double Master in Chemical and Environmental Engineering from the University of Seville, for her work " Development of mortars using construction and demolition waste as fine aggregate with additives. Effect of nanometric additions”.


14th Edition Manuel Gayán Buiza Award

For the best research, training or doctoral work related to Applied Mathematics and Engineering. He presented the Prize to Mr. Manuel Gayán Contero, grandson of Mr. Manuel Gayán Buiza.

The Prize went to Mr. Pablo Blázquez-Carmona , Master's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Seville and Doctor in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Organization from the US, for his work " Mechanobiology of bone regeneration: distraction osteogenesis and tissue engineering" , as well as for his academic career and curricular projection.

Box of Engineers Awards

Mr. Juan Antonio González Marín, Office Director of the Caja de Ingenieros Group, presents the award Receives the Award for the best academic record from the ETS of Engineering in Undergraduate Degrees: Mr. Francisco Javier Urrios Gómez , Graduate in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Seville. Receives the Award for the best academic record from the ETS of Engineering in Qualifying Master's Degrees: Mr. Fernando Manuel Borrego Prado , Master in Industrial Engineering.

Prize for the Scientific Article of the Quarter of the Etsi. 3rd and 4th Quarter of 2021; and 1st and 2nd Quarter 2022

The prize-winning scientific articles of the ETSI are awarded, from the seventeenth to the twentieth edition, covering from the third quarter of 2021 to the second quarter of 2022. Presenting the Awards, Mr. Emilio Freire Macías , University Professor, assigned to the Department of Applied Mathematics II from the University of Seville and president of the jury.

  • ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Awards: July-September 2021 to the work “Effect of processing parameters on the properties of freeze-cast Ni wick with gradient porosity” , Material & Design, Volume 206, August 2021, 109795, whose authors are : by Pedro Javier Lloreda-Jurado, Ernesto Chicardi, Antonio Paúl and Ranier Sepúlveda. Mr. Pedro Javier Lloreda-Jurado
      went up to the stage to collect the diploma
  • ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: October-December 2021 to the following work: “Techno-economic and operational assessment of concentrated solar power plants with a dual supporting system” , Applied Energy, vol. 302, November 2021, whose authors are Raul Ernesto Gutiérrez Alvarez, Pedro García Haro and Alberto Gómez Barea. Mr. Raul Ernesto Gutiérrez Álvarez
      went up to the stage to collect the diploma
  • ETSi Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: January-March 2022 ex aequo to the works:
    • “Facing the high share of variable renewable energy in the power system: Flexibility and stability requirements” Applied Energy, vol. 310, March 2022. Whose authors are Karla Belén Guerra Huilca, Pedro García Haro, Raúl E. Gutiérrez, Alberto Gómez Barea. Ms. Karla Belén Guerra Huilca
        went up to the stage to collect the diploma
    • “Market-based clustering of model predictive controllers for maximizing collected energy by parabolic across solar collector fields.” Applied Energy, vol. 306, January 2022, whose authors are: Eva Masero Rubio, José Mª Maestre Torreblanca and Eduardo F. Camacho. Ms. Eva Masero Rubio
        went up to the stage to collect the diploma
  • ETSI Scientific Article of the Quarter Award: April-June 2022 to the following work: “Life cycle and environmental assessment of calcium looping (CaL) in solar thermochemical energy storage”, Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 257, April 2022, whose authors are Gabrielle Colelli G.; Ricardo Chacartegui C. Ortiz.; Andrés Carro Paulete.; AP Arena.;V. True. Mr. Andrés Carro Paulete went up to the stage to collect the diploma.


Presentation of Plaques to Professors with 25 Years of teaching at the ETSi.

The Deputy Director, Head of Studies, Mrs. Juana Mª Mayo Núñez. presents the different plaques as a sign of recognition for the Academic work provided at the ETSi.

  • Mr. Aurelio Luis Azaña García, Associate Professor assigned to the Department of Construction Engineering and Engineering Projects.
  • Mr. Joaquín Bernal Méndez , Full Professor assigned to the Department of Applied Physics III
  • Mr. Pablo Cortés Achedad, University Professor assigned to the Department of Industrial Organization and Business Management II.
  • Mr. Vladislav Mantic Lescisin, University Professor assigned to the Department of Continuous Media Mechanics and Theory of Structures.
  • Mr. José María Maza Ortega, Full Professor assigned to the Department of Electrical Engineering.
  • Mr. José Luis Mora Jiménez, Contracted Professor Doctor assigned to the Department of Electronic Engineering.
  • Mr. José Morillo Aguado, University Professor assigned to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
  • Mr. Manuel Ángel Perales Esteve, Full Professor assigned to the Department of Electronic Engineering.
  • Mr. Sergio Luis Toral Marín, University Professor assigned to the Department of Electronic Engineering.

 Delivery of license plates to the country with 25 years of services provided in the center.

Ms. Carmen Pérez García, Manager of the Department of Construction Engineering and Engineering Projects. And this year, in an exceptional way, it has been decided to have a detail of recognition for two of the cafeteria employees who for 25 years have served us with pleasure and kindness, they are:

  • Mr. Francisco Javier Moreno Ramírez
  • Mr. José Fernández Perza

Recognition of Retired Etsi Staff During the 2021//22 Academic Year and to Date.

The Deputy Director, Head of Studies, Mrs. Juana Mª Mayo Núñez. , presents a monolith representative of the School, as a token of gratitude for the professional and endearing work carried out at the School:

  • Ms. Mercedes Aguilar Gómez, Head of the ETSi Library.
  • Mr. Francisco Hernández Rodríguez, Full Professor assigned to the Department of Construction Engineering and Engineering Projects.
  • Mr. Juan Antonio Mesa López-Colmenar, University Professor assigned to the Department of Applied Mathematics II.
  • Mr. Antonio Muñoz Blanco, University Professor assigned to the Department of Energy Engineering.
  • Mr. Miguel Jerónimo Rodríguez Carrillo, Laboratory Technician Specialist assigned to the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
  • Mr. José Antonio Rodríguez Ortiz, University Professor assigned to the Department of Engineering and Materials Science and Transportation.

After the awards ceremony, the Deputy Director, Head of Studies, Ms. Juana Mª Mayo Núñez closed the event with a few words and a glass of Spanish wine.

