Registration and Processing of TFM

Registration and Processing of Master's Thesis (TFM)


  • Have passed all the subjects/credits required by the study plan (this must be stated in the student's academic record).
  • The TFM must be awarded by the Department of the Tutor Professor in the School's Final Year Projects application.

Steps to follow, all of them electronically through the School website, in the “My Profile” :

  • The student must upload the TFM in a single file in PDF format.
      This file will include the report and, if any, annexes, budget, plans and codes. At the same time, you will request delivery authorization from the Professor/Tutor and, where applicable, confidentiality, for which you must upload at the same time the document that justifies this request, as well as a summary, also in PDF.
  • The Teacher Tutor, also through “My Profile” , will authorize the delivery of the TFM to the Secretariat.
  • The student will register the defense request in the same application.
  • From this moment on, the Secretariat will carry out the pertinent checks, and if everything is correct, it will enter the TFM and inform the tutor of his/her availability for the appointment of the court and, if appropriate, subsequent defense.

The name of the School and the University, the degree and, where applicable, the mention, the title of the TFM, the names of the author, the tutor(s), the Department and Area must appear on the cover and cover of the report. of Knowledge of this and the year of presentation of the work, all following the format established by the School Board.

e-Reding database (Repository of the Higher Technical School of Engineering) . Furthermore, and if the grade of Distinction or Honors has been obtained, it will be included in the Research Repository of the University of Seville , with prior authorization from the Professor/Tutor and the student.

Delivery dates at the Secretariat (2023/2024 academic year):

  • For defenses before the summer period: until July 16, 2024 ( signing of minutes until July 31 ).
  • For defenses before the end of the academic year: until November 7, 2024 (defense deadline: November 21. Signing of minutes until November 29)

Virtual Course on TFM