Applications for the issuance of the Official University Master's Degree
Applications for the issuance of the Official University Master's Degree
Once the student has exceeded all the credits in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding curriculum, the expedition of the Master's degree may be requested.
In general, it will be requested through the electronic headquarters of the University of Seville accessing with its digital certificate or with its UVUS.
If you are authorized to request it in person at the Secretariat of the School you must deliver the following documentation:
- Application for the title duly completed, in duplicate.
- Two compulsive photocopies of the DNI in force. If the interested party has foreign nationality, two compulsive photocopies of the passport/den in force, duly translated, in his case, to Spanish. (Compulses can be made at the same time of submission of the title application providing original and photocopies).
- Payment form for the corresponding fees (provided by the School Secretary, which can be requested at the address Those who are in any of the following situations will be exempt from paying these fees, which must be demonstrated by presenting the accreditation document and a photocopy of it, for certification. Those who authorize the telematic consultation in the office will be exempt from presenting the corresponding justification. Competent Department of the Junta de Andalucía and the result of the consultation is positive (the title or resolution that accredits it must be in force at the time of submission of the application and the rest of the documents):
- Special Category Large Family beneficiaries.
- General Category Large Family beneficiaries: will pay 50% of the amount.
- Disabled people who have a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33 percent.
- Students who obtain the Extraordinary End of Studies Award.
- In addition, original and photocopy of the university degree with which you accessed the master's degree (only those students who obtained it from a university other than the University of Seville).
The shelter may be withdrawn as a person other than the interested party as long as written authorization is contributed accompanied by photocopy of the authorized person's ID.
The request for the issuance of the degree implies the closure of the academic record of the person interested in the degree in question, so the student will not be able to take the exam or be graded in excess subjects in which he or she had enrolled, or carry out internships through Agreements. of Cooperation or stays like Erasmus/Sicue. Likewise, in no case may credits of any nature be recognized, including those derived from Agreements or Erasmus.
The application for the title is unavoidable.
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