Mission, vision and values
The Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville is a university center whose mission is study, teaching and research in the field of Engineering, as well as the generation, development and dissemination of knowledge at the service of society, always under quality and social responsibility criteria, and with special attention to Andalusia .
The objective of the ETSi is the training of engineers at the undergraduate and master's level, as well as doctors in engineering, in order to satisfy the needs of an increasingly globalized and changing industrial sector, also recognizing the importance of the application of the results. from research to the continuous improvement of its teaching staff and excellence in the training of its graduates.
The vision of the Higher Technical School of Engineering of the University of Seville is to consolidate itself as a reference center in Engineering training at an international level, as a consequence of the level of excellence achieved in both research and teaching, without forgetting its important contribution to progress. of society based on the application of research results.
The Higher Technical School of Engineering endorses the principles that inspire the University of Seville as a public institution at the service of society: equality, freedom, justice, solidarity and pluralism.
The above principles are based on the following values that guide the activity of the University of Seville and that the ETSi assumes as an integral part of it:
- Innovation and creativity as drivers of progress.
- Transparency and sufficiency of information.
- Alliance development.
- Leadership and involvement of managers.
- Social responsability.
- Student orientation.
Additionally, the ETSi assumes as its own values the vocation for continuous improvement, professionalism and the search for excellence in all its actions, and efficiency in the use of resources.