XI Edition of the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity

XI Edition of the Master's Degree in Cybersecurity

Information and Communications Security

Become a specialist in Cybersecurity, one of the professions with the greatest future at a national and international level. This Master in Cybersecurity consolidates its 11th edition next academic year, having already trained more than 120 professionals who are working in companies in the cybersecurity sector. The Master is aimed at two profiles: professionals in the ICT sector (with or without experience in cybersecurity) who want continuous quality training; and recent university graduates in computing or telecommunications who want to train and direct their professional career towards cybersecurity. The mix of both profiles in work groups produces positive synergies in learning.

Unlike the official Master's degrees, taught only by university professors and of a more theoretical or research nature, this degree is oriented towards insertion into the labor market. The degree seeks to offer the highest quality in the teaching provided, and its main characteristics are:  

- Blended classes, with classes on Fridays from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It allows you to combine classes and work. In the event of impossibility of face-to-face classes, all the modules of the master's degree are prepared for telematic delivery without deterioration of learning.

- Small groups: 21 places, which allows for quality, practical and participatory teaching, as well as forming a cohesive group whose relationships last after the master's degree. It will allow you to be part of the group of alumni, where contacts and job offers are shared.

- Connection with company: teachers from collaborating companies (2/3 of the teaching staff) contribute their experience in the industry. You can take advantage of this opportunity to enter the job market.

- Practical orientation: 60% of the credits are taught in the laboratory with practical content. 

The Master has been designed to provide a solid and comprehensive technical base that allows you to work in any of the areas demanded by the market: risk audits, penetration testing, regulatory audits, bastion, Security Operation Centers (SOC), CISO, software development insurance, etc. thus leaving future specializations or certifications depending on work evolution.

We hope to see you in the next edition! 

(+info: https://departamento.us.es/ingtelematica/ciberseguro/ )