Visit to Endesa

The Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Secretariat of the University of Seville has organized a Visit Day to the Endesa Facilities in Seville within the AUREA Program. To attend, you must register at the following link:
Day at Endesa. 💡
DATE: Tuesday, April 30, 2024
TIME: 10:30 –12:00
Face-to-face modality
LOCATION: Endesa Auditorium, Avda. de la Borbolla, 5 Sevilla.
10:30 – Reception of attendees. 
11:00 – 12:00 – Dialogue with Endesa:
María León, Head of Southern Communication.
David Pena, South HR Manager
Cristina Lozano, Architecture and Building.
Dolores Serrano, Network Delivery Manager.
Irene Navalón, CMD Predictive Maintenance Coordinator.
José Juan Bocarando, Territorial Secretary of Sustainability, RRII Andalucia and Extremadura.