Space Day at the ETSi

Space Day at the ETSi

On the occasion of Spain's presidency in the Council of the EU, on November 6 and 7, the Ministers of the Space Council of the European Commission meet in Seville. In the context of said meeting, a day will be held at the ETSi in round table format on November 6 from 10:30 to 12:30 in the Degree Hall , in which the following questions will be answered:


  • Why Space Research?
    • Maria Cruz Arcos Vargas, has a doctorate in Law from the University of Seville. She has a master's degree in Higher European Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges. She is a Full Professor of Public International Law and International Relations. She is director of the European Documentation Center of the University of Seville and Europedirect Seville. She currently presides over the Andalusian Council of the European Movement. Her opening words will revolve around the need for a European space policy and its current framework in the EU.


  • What is Space Research? Who does Space Research at ETSi? Where will space research take us? and How can I start doing Space Research?


  • Presentation of the research activity of four ETSi researchers who carry out their main activity on issues in the Space sector:
    • Federico Paris Carballo has been a professor of Continuous Media Mechanics and Theory of Structures since 1982. In his speech, Professor Paris will detail the problems of the materials to be used in the space sector with special emphasis on Carbon Fiber Composite Materials, the requirements that must be met. fulfilled in aerospace structures. He will detail the technology transfer carried out in this sector through a US spin-off.
    • José Manuel Quero Reboul is a University Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering at the University of Seville. During his more than 30 years as a researcher, he has participated in several space missions and developed several scientific projects, highlighting the CEPHEUS mission, in which he led the consortium where the first nanosatellite developed in Andalusia was built, or the VECTORSOL project, where it was designed, built and launched into orbit a solar sensor made with Microsystems (MEMS) technology. This last milestone has served as a starting point to found in 2009 the Technology-Based Company (EBT), SOLARMEMS TECHNOLOGIES, a leading company in the manufacture of solar sensors for space applications. José Manuel Quero will comment on NewSpace, the revolution that is currently being experienced in the space sector and the technological opportunities that are emerging.
    • Rafael Vázquez Valenzuela is Professor of Aerospace Engineering and has been a professor of Orbital Mechanics and Space Vehicle Dynamics for the last 16 years. In his speech, prof. Vázquez will briefly describe the evolution of teaching and research of the Aerospace Engineering group as well as the current lines of research and collaborations with companies, agencies and other key universities in the sector.
    • Rogelio Palomo Pinto is a Dr. Professor of Electronic Engineering, currently a professor of Electronic Systems for Aerospace Applications for the last 8 years. In his speech, prof. Palomo will present the electronics research activities for the space environment of the Electronic Engineering group and the collaborations with companies, agencies and other key universities in the sector.


  • When does Seville become a future Space Research Hub?
    • Esperanza Caro Gomez, Industrial Engineer. She is an official of the Junta de Andalucía and currently Managing Director of the Corporation of Municipal Companies of Seville. Throughout her career she has held different positions of responsibility both in the Junta de Andalucía and in the city council of Seville, always in the field of the environment, technological innovation and European funds. Next Monday's conversation will be about how the city of Seville was positioned as a reference in space issues and what was the strategy followed as a city to ensure that the Spanish Space Agency was located in Seville. It is the story of a collective success.

If you want answers to these and many other questions, and you want to know what research on space issues is carried out at the ETSi, you can't miss it.

We will wait for you!